Chapter 1

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(that right there is william >)

"Will you come back soon?" The little girl asked.
"Yeah, will you?" A little boy asked this time.
"Mmm, I promise I'll come back as soon as I can."
~end of flashback~

Upon waking up, I went to open my eyes but had to close them almost immediately again do to the sun shining in them. I put up my hand to block out the harsh sun rays.

"Uh, the same dream again, why do I keep having these dreams when I don't even remember hardly any of it?" I groan in distaste.

"There you are (Y/N)! I should have known this is where you would be," my older sister Aerith spoke as she walked over to me only to sit down next to me in the garden, for this was always my favorite place to go for some reason or another. Maybe it was my favorite because this was where Aerith and I would play together, even though I never found out why she had ever stopped playing here with me one day.

"Why were you looking for me?" I questioned with a groggy voice.

"Oh, I, uh, came to tell you that we will be going to a tea party soon, so go get ready!" She informed.

"Ahwww, but I don't want to go to a tea party! Can't mother just go alone?" I whined, I was sick of tea parties.

"Oh, now (Y/N), you know she can't go alone! Who knows what will happen if that woman went to some place like that alone."

"Alright fine," I gave in as I got up to go get ready.

~ This Time Skip is Brought to you by Cookies, Mmm, You Got to Love Them ~

During the entire ride there I kept thinking about a lot of why I keep having the same dreams about the same kids and the same promise to return, but, return where exactly?

"(Y/N)," my mother said suddenly.

"Huh?" I snap quickly out of my train of thoughts.

"My god, child, stop daydreaming! We have arrived, now come on, let us go," she exclaimed as she got out of the car, Aerith and I followed.

So here I am at some stupid boring old tea party that my mother was making me attend to, I hated parties! They were all so boring and all the people there are snobs, for all they did was gossip; as if they honestly had nothing better to do than to spread rumors about others, and these were the people my mother willed me to acquaintance with.

God, I'm I so BORED! when can I leave? I thought this to myself as I continue to walk aimlessly around the oversized green backyard garden. Now then as I was walking around I saw something dash from the corner of my eye, I turned to see someone with bunny ears.

How odd, why would someone wear such a thing? Out of curiosity, I went to follow the strange person. I happened to follow them all the way into the center of the garden but then I lost sight of the oddity. That still didn't stop me, I continued to search for them thinking, how far could they have possibly have gotten?

"Where did they go? I could have sworn they went this way," I spoke to myself as I continued to look for them.

"(Y/N)?" Hmm, that voice, you could swear you'd heard it somewhere before. I turned around in attempt to see who it was but saw no one.

"Strange I thoug-" I was cut off when I turned around to a surprising sight. "Ahhh!" I screamed when I turned completely around.

"Ouhh, sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to scare you!" My older sister said, her eyes widened.

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