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Peculiar OC

Name: April Anju

Nickname: None, but feel free to give her one

Physical age: 14

Actual age: 93

Looks: Platinum blonde hair, very pale skin, blue eyes and tall

Personality: April is very talkative and bubbly. She's loud and funny, someone you'd probably want to hang out with. But when the time comes, she is deadly serious, a trait she got from her brother.

Flaws: April is very ignorant. She doesn't think before she does, and has trouble controlling her temper.

Peculiarity: Chi=inner energy. You can manipulate it to kill people without leaving a mark AND   you can manipulate your own chi to boost yourself up to superhuman levels. 

Backstory: April was born in a time where everyone hated and knew about the peculiar, April and her brother were captured and tortured by wights, nearly escaped death multiple times and were hunted for sport, April and March found Miss Robins loop a day after it was created. They still have the scars from torture.

Other: April's brother March, barely speaks, so she talks for him. Her scars are located on her  chest and upper arms

Wight OC

Name: Brandon Darrk

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Looks: Black hair and pale skin, ghostly white eyes.

Old peculiarity: Darrk could control other's minds

Personality: Dark, manipulative, cunning, sly, ambitious

How they became a Wight: Experiment 

Why they hate peculiars; He had a very peculiar daughter. She was very special, and when he told her about the Experiment, she refused to go with him. She turned him over to the Ymbryne council, who banished him. years later, he found his daughter and ate her as a Hollwoghast, and vowed to continue his work.

Other: ?????  

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