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Blaine's Pov

I was sitting in my dorm room. It was early in the morning and I just woke up. Kurt was my roomate. We would just friends, but I wanted us to be more than friends. Kurt was sleeping and he looked so cute. The light was peeking thought the window and the light was landing perfectly on his angel like face. Since Kurt was still alsleep I decided now would be a good time to write in my journal.

Yes I have a journal. I know it's silly but it helps me clear my head and sort my thoughts. I opened my journal to a new page and I started to write. Dear journal, there's this boy I like. He's so cute. His hair is always perfect and he has the most beautiful blue eyes I have seen. He's a new student here at Dalton. He has only been here for a couple of weeks and I'm already falling for him.

I can't help it. Kurt is perfect in every way. He is so sweet. He is really shy and I been trying my best to get him to open up, but I think it's going to take a while. Kurt is the only guy I had ever liked. Everytime he smiles at me or hugs me even if it is in a friendly way I my heart skips a beat and I start to feel my face heat up. I knew Kurt was special the minute I saw him at Dalton and I grabbed his hand and we ran down the hallway.

I want to tell him that I like him, but what if it ruins our friendship or if I scare Kurt. Kurt is new here and I didn't want to scare him away. If only he knew how I felt about him. After I finished waiting I decided to go back to sleep. It was still early and I was tried from writing. I left my journal on Kurt's bed and I went back to my own bed and I drifted off to sleep with Kurt on my mind.

Kurt's Pov

I woke up and I saw that Blaine was still alsleep. I slowly got up so I wouldn't wake up Blaine. I started to get off my bed when something caught my eye. It looked like a journal. I got up and grabbed the journal. The journal must have been Blaine's. I know I shouldn't open it but it's just laying on my bed, my bed, so I mean one little look wouldn't hurt. I flipped to a random page, and I started reading it.

Dear Journal, there's this boy I like. After I read that one line I was coufused. I didn't know that Blaine liked boys, I thought he always had liked girls. My heart leaped a little at the fact that I wasn't the only gay kid at Dalton. I kept reading and he was talking about this boy's perfect hair and blue eyes. Then I kept on reading what really stopped me in my tracks was when he said that the boy was a new student.

Was Blaine talking about me? I was pretty sure that I was the only new student here at Dalton. No I thought to myself he can't be talking about me. I have only been at this school for a couple of weeks, there is no way he could possibley liked me. The shy, new, awkard kid. I contined my reading until I finished reading the whole journal page. I was shocked. Blaine really did like me. I didn't know what to do.

The more I thought about it the more I started thinking was it possible that I liked Blaine too. We are great friends, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we would more than friends. I look at Blaine and I see him start to move. I start to panic a little. I quickly close the journal and I put it on his bed. I sit back down on my bed, and now he is fully awake.

Blaine's Pov

I wake up and I look at Kurt. Kurt looks back at me and his face turns a bright shade of pink and he looks down at his bed and starts tracing the patterns on the blanklet. That was weird I thought to myself. Kurt never acts like that in front of me. "Kurt are you okay", When I said that he looks up at me and he has a worried look on his face. "Kurt me and you are friends right, so you know you can tell me anything"

Kurt: "Well... um... you... see... I.. I.. I read a page from your journal. Why did I just say that I think to myself. When Kurt said that I wasn't mad or sad but just shocked, I mean what page did he read. Hopefully not the page I think he read. "Kurt... what page... did you... you know... read". I saw Kurt look down like he was ashamed or scared to admit what he had read. Kurt: "I read the page where you would talking about... a bbboy... that yyyou... lllike" "And well Blaine I was wondering if you would talking about... me"

I took a deep breathe. Come on Blaine, you have to tell him at some point. Now is the time to be brave, just tell him. I kept telling myself over and over in my head. "Kurt, there's a moment when you say to yourself, oh there you are, I been looking for forever" "I know that this may ruin our friendship, but Kurt I really like you, I liked you ever since I took your hand and we ran down the Dalton hallway"

Kurt's Pov

Blaine looked so scared when he said all that, I could tell. Everything he said to me now and in the journal just made my heart melt and I found blushing during his whole speech. I did something crazy. I got from my bed and I took his hand and I pulled him close to me and soon the gap between us was closed. His lips were soft and sweet. I felt like I could kiss his lips all day, but eventually I pulled back so we could both breathe.

We looked at each other and we would both blushing liking crazy. Silence filled the room and we would just looking at each other. It was me who eventually broke the silence. "So Blaine, what.. wwhat are we" "I mean we just kissed so... "

Blaine's Pov

Kurt was so cute when he gets nervous. "We can be boyfriends if that's okay with you" Dear Journal, can you believe it! I can't be more happy. I finally told Kurt that I liked him and it went really well. We kissed and it felt like a million of fireworks would exploring in the sky and his lips would so soft. If was if they belonged to a baby.

Me and Kurt are now boyfriends. What was I so afaird of? Kurt is the most understanding person that I know. He is amazing. I guess it was a good thing that Kurt read from my journal, because if he hadn't then well journal me and Kurt probably won't be on my bed cuddling while watching The Sound Of Music, so thank-you journal for getting me and Kurt together.

I hoped you guys enjoyed that one-shot, I delated the other story that I was working on. Sorry guys, I just wasn't feeling that story and I didn't feel like just writing one whole story becasue I have too many different ideas. So I decided just to write one shots. I just finished writing this and it is 2:00 in the morning.

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