Teenage Trouble

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Blaine's Pov

"Tracy Rose AnderHummel you get downstairs right now." I didn't want to yell but Tracy just wouldn't come downstairs. She been acting really moody lately, and me and Kurt don't know why. The first time I tried calling her she said that she was talking with a friend. I told her that she could talk to her friend later and to come downstairs, but she just ignored me, because it had been five whole minutes and she hadn't come downstairs.

I didn't know what to do to get her come downstairs, so I called for Kurt. "Kurt, baby, can you help me, Tracy wouldn't come downstairs." Immediately Kurt showed and he yelled for Tracy and just like that she came running downstairs. I didn't know why she came down for Kurt but that me. Sometimes me and Tracy didn't get really get along, she was definely was a daddy's girl not a papa's girl. Kurt just stared at her and Tracy actually looked scared.

Me and Tracy both knew that you didn't want to upset Kurt. The look on Kurt's face was not a good one. "Tracy Rose AnderHummel if you papa calls you, you need to come." "I was talking to a friend." She said back to Kurt, her voice full of attitude. Kurt just looked at her and crossed his arms, I knew that Tracy had said the wrong thing. "I understand that you have friends, but your papa and me come first." She didn't say anything, she just looked down at her feet.

I looked at her and I could tell that something was bothering her besides the fact that Kurt had yelled at her. "Tracy sit down on the couch and listen to what your papa has to say." She sat down and she started playing with her hands, which means she was nervous. "I wanted to talk to you." "I love you honey, but me and dad have been worried you been acting really moody lately." "She took a deep breathe and she looked at Kurt and then me.

"Well I... you know the friend I was talking to on the phone, well it's complicated." "I really like this person but I don't know if my friend likes me back." "Awww, sweetie why didn't you tell us, I know what that's like.", Kurt said. "I remember when it was Valentine's Day and your papa was telling the Walbers that he was in love and that he was going to sing to this person." "This was before me and your papa would together." "I really liked Blaine and I got excited when he said he was going to sing to someone."

"Because I thought that he was talking about me, but he was really talking this guy that worked at the Gap and his name was Jeremiah." "Your papa was completely obvious, until Jeremiah shot him down and then he realized his feelings for me." "If you really like this person then you have to tell them, you never know until you ask." Tracy just stared at Kurt in awe, like she couldn't believe what Kurt had just told her. "Umm... if it isn't too much to ask, what is this person's name." I asked her curiously.

She looked at me and she opened her mouth and nothing came out. "Elizabeth" she said shyly. She looked at me and Kurt and then she started crying. "I... I like... girls." "I was afaird to tell you, I know that you guys are gay but I didn't know if you would be okay with me being a lebasian. "Honey, it doesn't matter to us if you're a lebesian or straight, we'll love you no matter what." "Some of our best friends from high school would lebasian too."

"What our their names." "Santana and Brittany" I looked at my daughter and a look of shock appeared on her face. "What are their last name" "LoPierce", I said wondering what my daughter was up to. "Oh my god, that's Elizabeth's parents, she told me that she had two moms, but I would have never guess that you guys would have known them." I knew that Brittany and Santana had a daugher and that her name was Elizabeth, but I thought Tracy was talking about another Elizabeth.

"Wow ummm, I don't know what to say." Kurt sat on the couch next to Tracy and he started laughing at me and soon Tracy did too. I loved the sound of Kurt's laugh, but his and Tracy's laughs combined it was like music to my ears. All the tense energy in the room had left as the three of us started laughing. Soon we all stopped laughing and silence fell upon the room. It was me that finally broke the silence. "How about we go to Santana and Brittany's house."

"We can go, we haven't been to their house in a while.", Kurt said responding to me. "It would be nice to meet Elizabeth's parents." We all got up and hopped in the car. I was the person driving, Kurt and Tracy could both drive but I was the one normally driving. We arrived at their house and I quickly knocked on the door. Brittany was the one to answer the door and she shouted for Santana and Elizabeth. "Santanta, Unicorn and Blaine Walber are here." Even after all these years she still calls us that.

Tracy just looks coufused and a give her a look that says I'll explain later. Brittany welcomes us inside and I immediately see Santana and Elizabeth standing there with big smiles on their faces. Tracy and Elizabeth lock eyes and they both start blushing. I remember when Kurt and me when like that. When Kurt would look at me he would blush, play with his hands or bite his lip. Tracy was just like Kurt. When she noticed me and Kurt looking at her, she bites her lip and then she starts playing with her hands.

"Would you guys like some snacks.", Santana aasked trying to break the silence that had fell in the room. "Yes please.", Kurt said in a high pitched voice and I just laughed. We all walk into the kitchen and Santana lays out some snacks. All sit at the table in a circle. Santana was at the end and Brittany was sitting next to her. Then Elizabeth, then Tracy, then Kurt, and then me. It seemed as if everyone was in pairs. Brittana, Klaine, and well ummm...Treth. I though that name suddenly coming into my head.

I knew that was a terrible ship name but I couldn't come up with anything else. I could tell just by looking at Elizabeth that she had feelings for Tracy. It was obvious, the way they looked at each other and the way their hands had intertwined unconsciously. They really did remind me of me and Kurt. We would all sitting there eating and talking. I took Kurt's hand from under the table and he smiled at me.

"So Tracy how did meet Elizabeth", Santana asked. Tracy and Elizabeth looked at each other and smiled. "I met Elizabeth in Glee Club" "Yeah, I joyed later than Tracy and she helped me to open up to the rest of the Glee Club." "If it wasn't for Tracy, then I would still be too shy to sing in Glee Club." She looked at Tracy and she started blushing and soon Elizabeth did too. "Since we're talking about Glee Club, how we go around and said the first duet we did." "I go first.", Kurt said, happily. "It was Baby It's Outside."

"I did it with Blaine." I looked at Kurt and he signed happily, probably remembering that. "My was One Hand in My Pocket/I Feel The Earth Move, and it was with Brittany." They both stare at each other and smile. "My was Impossible, and I did it with Elizabeth.", Tracy said proudly. She couldn't stop blushing in front of Elizabeth and it looks like Elizabeth couldn't ethier. All of us would silence, probably staring off into space about our loved ones and our first duets."

I signed as I pictued Kurt's beautiful face. I started thinking about my life. It all started at Dalton for me. Meeting Kurt, dating Kurt, marrying Kurt, having a kid with Kurt. Tracy was growing up so fast. She was already sixteen and falling in love for the first time. I knew that Tracy and Elizabeth would more that friends, they may not admit it, but I knew that some day they will. Me and Kurt would the same way. The feelings would always there. Me and Kurt had fallen in love at first saw, and so had my daughter.

Hoped you guys enjoyed. I'm sorry if that wasn't good, I'm tried my best. I wanted to have a chapter about Klaine's daughter as a teenage. I know that wasn't Brittany and Santana's first duet but I couldn't remember what their first duets would. Also sorry if the ship name is bad. Elitra, Tabeth, Eltra, Trbeth, Teliz.

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