Useful Korean Slangs and Phrases

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Please don't say anything more. (Used to show that you are tired of hearing someone's excuses.)

You got me. You had me going there.

I got you, didn't I. I had you going, didn't I?

You bet./ Absolutely.

That's a lame joke.

분위기 망치게 (조지게) 하지마. / 초치지마.
Don't spoil the mood.

너나 잘 해.
None of your business. Mind .

내성질 건드리지 마.
Don't get on my nerves.

Thanks for the history lesson. Hindsight is 20/20.

잘났어 정말. / 너 잘났다.
You are somethng else.

어제 필름이 끊겼어.
I blacked out (from drinking) last night.

그 사람 그거 참 잘~ 됐다. / 쌤통이다.
He deserves it. Serves him right.

그래 니 팔뚝 (또는 니 X) 굵다.
Yes, you're the man!

죽을만큼 마셔보자.
Let's drink ourselves into stupor.

니가 나한테 어떻게 그럴 수 있니?
How could you do that to me?

놀구 있네~~ 삽질 하네~~
Yeah. Right~

거기 물 좋다
That place rocks! That place kicks!

(문제의 답 등이) 너무쉽네/애걔(걔) 그게다야?
That's it? /Is that all?

너도 내 입장이 되어봐
Put yourself in my shoes.

저리 가. 꺼져!
Take a hike.

너 정말 치사하다.
You're so cheap.

음식 잘 먹었습니다.
I've never eaten better.

이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어.
This sucks!

몇 시에 퇴근해요?
What time do you call it a day?

야, 친구 좋다는 게 뭐야?
Come on, for?

너무 감격해서 눈물이 난다.
It was so touching, I almost cried.

미안해 할 것까지는 없어.
There's nothing to be sorry about.

내게 고마워할 것까지는 없어.
There's no need to thank me.

이보다 더 좋을 순 없다.
It couldn't be better than this!

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