Delilah Carter one shot

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“This is no fair!” Delilah screams from her cell.

“Well you ain't safe to let out yet, not till you can control it.” Dean says looking throw the small window on the cell door.

“I can control it! I'll show you!” Delilah says. Delilah looks over at a glass of water on a table.  The glass starts to shake and then shatters. The water falls all over the table and floor.

“See you can't control it. Now stay here and be good.” Dean says. He closes the small window on the cell door.

Up stares Sam and Bobby are working on a case. Dean walk in and Bobby ask him, “ How is she.”

“Orny and tierd. She won't sleep no matter what I say. I told her it won't work, she staying in there till Cas comes back.” Dean said while grabbing a beer from the fridge.

“Well Cas needs to get here. She needs him. What if she gets o-” Sam was interrupted by Cas who appeared in the doorway of the room.” She won't get out.” Cas says with a serious look on his face.

“Where have you been? She need you! She's down there breaking everything, cases she ‘can't control it’.” Dean yells at him. Dean walks over to the couch and plops down. “ Well you better get down there, before she hurts herself.”

Cas turns around and walks toward the stares.

~~in the bunker~~

Delilah here's the sound of wind from up stares.” I think Cas here?” Delilah says to herself.” Good he needs to get down here fast. Dam it! I use to have a normal life-ish. Well it was not like this.”

~~flash back-ish~~

Delilah use to be normal-ish girl growing up. Delilah had only one friend really. Her name was Jacki. She's a redhead, but she has a golden heart. Delilah is a 5’4 foot girl with long black hair in a pony tail.

Delilah dress in a black tank top with a leather jacket over it. She were a variation of bleach wash blue jeans and black shorts. She lived in a small town back in Tennessee. It was so small that Delilah knew almost everyone. Jacki knew her since she was 5. they went to school together and spent every single day together. Till high school, Jacki saw the first time Delilah ‘powers’ appeared. She blew a guy's head off. He was from out of town and he got her in a aley.

His eyes turned black and she fell on the ground “ you're the chosen one. the chosen one.” he keep repeating it over and over again. At the time Delilah had no clue what it meant till she meet cas.

Delilah was in her room on her laptop looking at the lore of chosen ones. One minute the room shook and the sound of wind went through the room. She thought it was an earthquake so she ran to her door fram. But before she did Cas appeared in front of her. She screamed and fell to the floor. Cas standing in front of her reach his hand out to help her up. She refused to take his hand. She got up and look at him.

“WHAT ARE YOU!’ she yells at him. Cas walks over and puts his hand on her shoulder. Before she knew it she was in a warehouse.

W-WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE ARE WE. Please don't hurt me, I don't want to die.” she says covering her head. Cas walks over he reaches his hand out, but before he can touch her Dean comes in yelling. “ They're coming get ready!” Cas turns to face what was coming and then there's a bang. A door comes flying towards Delilah and Cas. The door misses Delilah by a foot at least.

“W-what is going on. I want to go home.” Delilah said with tears in her eyes.

“You can't you never can. Everyone you know is dead. They killed them all in your town.” Cas says

“Well don't sugar coat it Cas.” Delilah looks at the man with a shotgun. He wore a black t-shirt and a brown work jacket over it. A monster came running towards her she scream load. The monster stops in it path towards her and falls to the ground in pain.

Cas and Dean look at Delilah in shock. “What just happen? What did I do?” Delilah ask in confusion.

“This is is why we are here” a voice says from a far. Delilah turns around to see a very tall man about a foot taller than her. With brown shoulder length hair. He had a little stumble on his face and wearing a blue plaid shirt. He was carrying some kind jacket with him and a jug.

He takes the jug and throws it on the monster. It skin starts to sizzling. The monster falls to the ground and stop moving.

“You killed it! How'd you do that? Wait? Who are you guys and how I get here?” Delilah ask she looks at the three men in confusion and disbelief.

“we will tell you later why, we must go now.” Cas says to Delilah.

“NO! I MUST KNOW NOW!” delilah yells. the ground around her cracks. sam and dean look at the cracks below her and ask her “ pleas delilah don't do this.” delilah look below her feet and see the cracks. she steps back and looks at cas and says, “ ok, i'll go.” cas walks over to delilah and takes her away.

~~present day~~

“Cas get down here. they have lock me up like a dog.” delilah yells. cas opens the door and  sees delilah sanding with a mess around her.” what happen in here? cas ask looking around the room.

“well i was trying to control it but as you can see i can't. any way how much longer am i gonna be down here cas?” delilah ask looking at cas.

“No more, you gonna come with me outside and i'm gonna train you on what to do.” cas says walking to the stares.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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