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Jaehwan loves Cha Hakyeon. He's seen him when he's the happiest, jumping in his place, eyes twinkling with excitement as he smiles as broad as possible, cheekbones high (for the younger, it always looks like it hurts). He's heard his loudest laughter, at 2 am, when the booze kicks off and Hakyeon has to clench his hands on his stomach because it hurts and tears are rolling down his cheeks. He's seen him when he's the angriest as well: and hell, if Cha Hakyeon isn't scary when something bothers him (not that it happens too much): eyes on the floor and hands turned into fists, shaking. Hakyeon is the kind of person that cries when he's pissed off, the kind of person who avoids talking about his problems to avoid worrying the others — when the older is upset he never says anything, Jaehwan almost never notices, until he realizes Hakyeon is unusually quiet and has his mouth in a small frown, eyebrows furrowed in concern, overthinking. The point is, Jaehwan really knows Cha Hakyeon, he's known him for more than 10 years, after all; he's seen him grow and change, he's heard all the awful things people have said about him, and he still loves him. But Jaehwan knows Cha Hakyeon, and he should've known what was going to happen if he told him about his apparent ''secret admirer'' (Jaehwan hates that term now) — Kim Wonsik.

And that is a thing Jaehwan hates.

Jaehwan sigh goes unnoticed by Hakyeon again as he blabbers on and on about Wonsik's 'super crush' on him (Hakyeon thinks it's obvious, says something about how Wonsik is always staring at him in the cafeteria, Jaehwan thinks? he's not sure — doesn't really know or cares, really, because he stopped listening 5 minutes after Hakyeon started talking about the younger boy).

''But really, Jaehwan, I think you should give him a chance.'' Hakyeon says, he has his eyebrows raised and is staring intently at Jaehwan as if by doing so he'd change the brunet's mind, but it doesn't, and Jaehwan huffs, rolls his eyes at the fact Hakyeon says this as if Wonsik was a great chance he had to take. The guilt is still present on the pit of his stomach whenever they talk about him, because while Hakyeon keeps insisting on Jaehwan to give Wonsik an opportunity, Jaehwan knows there isn't an opportunity to even begin with.

Kim Wonsik isn't interested in him.

Jaehwan gulps down, he closes the locker door with more force that he had intended, and the sound manages to startle Hakyeon, who glares at him for a second before talking again.

''All I'm saying is—

''I'm not interested in him either!'' Jaehwan interrupts.

Hakyeon blinks twice, doesn't move at all, ''What?''

''I mean... that I'm not interested, Hakyeon.'' Jaehwan mumbles, realizing his mistake and lowering his gaze in embarrassment.

Hakyeon huffs, crosses his arms against his chest and rolls his eyes.


Jaehwan sighs, realizes Hakyeon will refuse to talk for a while, but thinks it's better off this way for now, almost thanks God for the silence. He doesn't feel uncomfortable by the quietness of the moment — he feels relieved by it, actually, but Hakyeon just keeps bouncing on his right leg and rolling his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows and sighing. Jaehwan knows Hakyeon can't stay quiet for more than 5 minutes.

''Okay, Lee Jae—

''Jaehwan!'' Someone interrupts Hakyeon, and Jaehwan closes his eyes shut, maybe if he didn't breathe, Kim Wonsik wouldn't notice him? The brunet throws a dirty glance at Hakyeon, who's grinning, and he lets out a breath, turns around and forces a smile on his face before finding himself in front of Wonsik.

Lying Is the Most Fun Lee Jaehwan Can Have Without Taking His Clothes OffWhere stories live. Discover now