29|| France

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The restaurant was small, cozy, and more intimate than Hermione had planned. Had it not been for the other Healer with them, Hermione would have had difficulty spending dinner alone with Draco.

"Healer Vidal, where in France are you from?" Hermione tried to focus on the other witch instead of Draco. They had both arrived in France and immediately placed their luggage in their respective hotel rooms before heading to dinner. On the way out of the hotel they ran into another Healer who was attending the conference. She all but invited herself to dinner and Hermione had to admit that she was a little relieved to have a third party with them.

"Please, call me Inaya. We are friends, are we not? No need to be so formal." Her comment was directed more towards Draco than Hermione. "I'm from Caen. It is not too far from here." She placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin in the palm of her hand.  "Where are you from?"

Hermione tried to tap down the heat that rose to her face as she watched the witch flirt with Draco. She was gorgeous. Dark raven hair cascaded down to her waist in thick curls, her eyes were bright as emeralds, and her skin a flawless ivory. What man wouldn't be flattered by the attentions of the goddess before him?

"From London. I imagine Caen is far more beautiful than our muggy city."

Inaya's laughter chimed softly. "It's breathtaking. Have you never been to Normandy?"

"I have not."

She reached out a hand and placed it on Draco's wrist. "You should visit. Maybe you could after the conference? I know a lovely little cafe that overlooks the sea. I could give you a native's look into the city. Show you all the best places, away from the eyes of tourists." The invitation was so clear, one would have to be dead not to notice it.

"We're expected back directly after the conference. Such a pity." Hermione ignored the nasty look the witch sent her way and instead gave her a pleasantly fake smile. "Maybe we could come another time."

"Of course," Inaya turned back towards Draco. "you're always welcome."

Though grateful moments before, Hermione now regretted allowing the witch to join them. Maybe she could push her into a dumpster on the way back to the hotel. Or toss her body into the sea. "Draco, I do believe we need to check into the conference before tomorrow morning. Shall we?"

Draco nodded and rose from his chair.

"Oh, I need to do that as well, I'll come with you." Inaya latched onto Draco's arm and batted her thickly framed eyes at him. "Maybe we can go out for a drink later? After we check in, of course."

Hermione sneered at the ground as they walked into the Conference Hall. "We have to get up rather early, maybe drinking tonight isn't the best idea."

Inaya rolled her eyes and pointedly ignored Hermione. "Do you speak French, Draco?"

"Yes, my mother insisted I learn it when I was younger."

She whispered something into his ear, resulting in a deep chuckle emanating from his chest and a smug look settling in on Inaya's features.

Hermione's lips curled in disgust. "Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and Inaya Vidal here to check in for the conference."

The older witch before them smiled warmly up at the three. "I'm so glad you three could make it, now we have only four more Healers to check in before tomorrow." She pulled out a couple scrolls and handed one to Hermione and the other to Inaya. "Here is the information you need to prepare for tomorrow's conference. Please plan how you wish to share this information with your Hospital partner. Miss Vidal, you'll need to get with Healer Miran to prepare your report. She checked in earlier this evening and is staying at the hotel with you three. Here is her room number." The witch handed over a piece of parchment. "Have a wonderful evening."

Hermione opened up the scroll and grinned at Draco. "You've already prepared this report." She instantly regretted saying so when she saw the sly look that crossed Inaya's face.

"Oh, you've already finished your report? So has Healer Miran. I guess we will have time to grab a drink tonight."

"I was going to finish by saying that all we need to do is plan a way to present the information." Hermione lied through her clenched teeth.

Inaya nodded solemnly. "You are correct. Why don't you do that since Draco created the report for you." She took Draco's arm and gave Hermione a smug wave. "Au Revoir."


Hermione fumed as she walked back to her hotel room. "That bloody little slag. Telling me what to do! Absurd! Oh, Draco, you're more than welcome to come visit me." She slammed her door and threw the scroll onto her nightstand. "Could she have been more obvious?"

Hours passed as she sat there stewing in silent anger. "That's it." She stormed out of her room and down the hall towards Draco's. Giving his door three hard raps, she folded her arms and waited. After a few minutes he opened the door, his eyes half closed, wearing only sweatpants.

"Hermione? What are you-? Do you enjoy waking me up at ill hours?"

Hermione blushed and tried glancing into his room. "No-I- Are you alone?"

He furrowed his brow. "You woke me up to ask me if I was alone?"

"No... Is-is Inaya here?" She bit her lip, feeling stupid for asking.

"Hermione," He rubbed his jaw and exhaled heavily. "I don't mean to be rude but it's none of your business whether I'm alone or not. We're just friends, remember?"

She closed her eyes and nodded. "I know, I just... I really wish we could be together but The Director-"

"No, if you really wanted something more, if you truly did, you wouldn't care about rules. The Director is just an excuse for you. I've already spoken to him and he's prepared to move one of us to the Main Wing, me to the Main Wing. It's about time you figured out what you really want. I can't wait forever." He dragged a hand over his eyes. "Look, we have a long day ahead of us. I'll see you tomorrow."

Hermione ignored the stinging in her eyes as he closed the door. He was right, she was afraid of something more. No matter how much she wanted it, the anxiety she had about a relationship with him was greater. What if it didn't work out? What if he ended up just like Ron? She couldn't afford to lose him as a friend.

Once she was back in the safety of her room, she collapsed on her bed. "I'm such an idiot." The sharp rapping on wood broke her out of her stupor. Cautiously, she opened the door to find Draco. His arms were braced against the frame, his head bowed. His sweater was inside out as though he put it on in a rush.

"Hermione, I didn't mean what I just said. No," He amended. "I did, I meant every word. But that doesn't mean I should have said them." He looked up at her. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head and stepped back so he could enter. "No. You're right. The Director is just an excuse. Draco, the thought of you with another woman, it makes me sick. I get a pit in my stomach. But I can't bring myself to do anything about it. I don't think I'm ready for anything else. I thought I was but I'm not so sure anymore." How could she ask him to wait for her when she herself was unsure how long that wait would be?

He sat on the edge of her bed and smiled bitterly. "So where does that leave us?"

She let out a humorless puff. "I'm not sure. Draco, if I asked you to give me time, would you?"

He took in a deep breath. "I should return to my room." He picked up her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. "I'll see you in the morning." Rising from the bed, he brushed his lips over the back of her hand. "Goodnight, Hermione."

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