Chapter Six

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 with the A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Excuse me for any errors that you may see. Um, don't forget to check out 'Love You everyday like february' a new teen fiction book that I wanna work on probably during the Summer.

Anyways vote and comment like always thank you.

Ferrari, Jaugar, switching four lanes with the top down screamin, "money aint a thang." - Tyga

Hannah 'Hot-headed' Baker 

It was crazy actually. How I was like the only white girl in this whole operation. Everyone looks at me and think oh she's bubbly, she's cool and all that.


I'm hot-headed in fact I was diagnoised with bi-polar and been taking medicine for it ever since I was sixteen. I didn't give a fuck though. Just cause of my disorder doesn't mean I'm any different. Emotional wise, yes but no.

I have silky blonde hair, that I got trimmed. I have sky blue eyes, straight white teeth. I have a black girls body, with nearly Double D's and an ass most people would call 'fake.' but i'm 100% real baby.

In fact a lot of people in my family judge me cause I date a Black guy, which is really stupid. I can date whoever the hell i wanna date. It shouldn't matter what race you are, but everyone thinks I'm a dumb blonde. Yeah okay, if I'm so done why am I making racks upon racks in this illegal umpire?

Money is money. I like what I do and I do it well. It may not be in the form that you want it to be in, but I get it done. They call me hot-headed for obvious reasons. I have anger issues. I yell, I break things and I hit.

Most white people grew up in the suburbs. Not me. I came straight from the ghetto. My Mom was crazy moving in a place, but we were poor so we didn't have much.

I used to be pushed around by the bigger girls, and finally I got fed up with the bullying and stuck it out on my own. I went from dropping out of high school, to selling drugs.

Later, ended up in Juvie at sixteen for cocaine. Got out a fresh year later, and started doing good things. I got homeschooled cause I hated public School.

I finally moved into an area where I met the girls. Stephanie, Angel and Monica. All of them. We became fast friends, they taught me how to defend myself. I slowly opened up to them now here I am doing big and illegal things.

My parents weren't proud of it, so they kicked me out. I stayed with Angel before she introduced me to the real illegal works. From then on forth I learned how to shoot every type of gun in the book. I was skilled, fast but not always pratical.

I was me though and I wasn't gonna change for anyone.

It was funny because Aaron and I, had met at a local nightclub. Back then I was a skinny lil thang like how most white girls are. Aaaron had  found me easy to get. Or so he thought. But I put up a fuss with him so bad, that all of his manly pride went to shame.

I was open to all races, so of course I thought that Aaron was mad cute. He had those hazel brown eyes, and dimples in his cheek that set a girl on fire. And I'm not talking about no Alicia Keys either.

He was the bomb like unabomber. After my total blow up on him, he decided he liked the feisty me and we began talking from there.

Texting became talking on the phone. That came to hanging out. That came to having sex just as friends. Friends turned into something more that we both knew we wanted which was a relationship. Aaron knows he can't boss me around, but that doesn't mean I'm hard-headed.

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