Chapter 14

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Sunday morning, the day that followed the night that Perrie and Alex had spent together. They both got woken up by Alex's alarm clock. Perrie had to be home before noon because her mother said so.
"No breakfast in bed today?" she asked kidding.
"I'm sorry." he responded.
"Don't worry. You've done enough for me yesterday." she said.
He laughed and kissed her on the cheeck. He put his arms around her and wanted her to lay on top of him, but she resisted.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I don't know. But.. come on.. I've had sex with my freaking teacher! This is not normal!"
"Let's put it differently. You've had sex with your boyfriend, and you enjoyed, right?"
"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry. I shouldn't panic so easily. You did great."
"So did you." he said.
They both got out of bed and Perrie got ready to leave.
"When I get home, I'll send you a text."
"Okay. I'll hear from you."
A moment later Perrie left and cycled home. She missed him already.
When she got home, her mother asked how it was with Lucy. Perrie had to think for a moment to make sure she wouldn't give away herself. After having lied to her mother, she went upstairs and texted him. She spent the rest of the day this way. She couldn't even remember what her life was like without him. She was so glad he came in her life and she promised herself she'd never leave him.

*2 months later*

"Hey Pez." it sounded through the phone.
"Hey Alex. Do you have a moment? I was just brushing my teeth.
It stayed quiet for a while but then Perrie started talking.
"What's up?"
"Would you like to go out for dinner today?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'd love to! I'll ask my mum.
"Great. I'll stay on the line."
Perrie yelled at her mum to ask if it was okay. Of course she used a lie again. She said she'd go out with Lucy. Lucy didn't know anything about Perrie and Alex, but Perrie knew she would always back her up if her mum would ask anything. Luckily her mum agreed so Perrie could go.
"It's okay. What time do we meet, and where?" she asked.
"Be at my house at around 5pm, is that okay?" he asked.
"Sure. I'll be there." she agreed.
She hung up and left the bathroom she was still in. She felt like she had forgotten something but she couldn't figure out what. She thought it couldn't be important if she didn't remember. In her bedroom she put make-up on her face and made herself pretty for tonight. Alex told her she was pretty enough without make-up, but she still felt better if she did have something that covered her spots.
When she was done, she spent the rest of her afternoon listening to her favourite music and she tried to do some homework.
When it was time for her to leave, she told her mother goodbye and left. Luckily she remembered how to cycle to Alex's house.
She knocked on the window and not much later he opened the door.
"Hey love, come in."
So she did. She took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack.
"How's your day been?" he asked her.
"Fine! What about yours?"
"Also fine. Do you want to leave immediately or not?"
"Whatever you want, I'll let you surprise me."
"Well, let's go then."
Perrie took her coat back that she had just hung up and put it back on.
"Where are we actually going?" she asked him.
"There is this fancy restaurant that I want to show you. It's not really far, don't worry."
"Okay, I'm curious now."
"Good. You'll love it, I'm sure." he said.
They drove to the restaurant, and when they arrived Perrie was surprised by how it looked.
"It looks so cool! Can we go inside?"
"Sure, ladies first."
He let her go inside first and then he followed.
"Where should we sit?" she asked.
"One of the waitressed will give us a table, just wait a moment."
They waited for some time and then a waitress told them to sit by the table that was standing right next to the window.
"Do you want something to drink?" he asked her.
"Sure, I'd like a fresh water." she said.
"Just water? I'll take a sweet wine." he said.
"Yeah, well, if you're okay with it, I'll take that later."
"Sure, whatever you want."
Alex ordered their drinks and waited for it to be brought to their table.
As well as that, they ordered some food. Perrie ordered a salad with fish, while Alex wanted meat with potato salad.
"Do you like it?" he asked.
"Yes, I love it! Thank you for taking me here"
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
They finished their food, and when they were done, they ordered some more drinks. They both already were feeling light-headed because they had already drunk some glasses of wine, but tonight they didn't care.
"Pez, I love you." he said.
"I love you too." she said.
After they had finished, Alex offered to pay.
"Ah, you're such a gentleman. The next one is on me." Perrie told him.
They left the restaurant and went home. Even though they were botg tipsy, Alex went driving in his car which went surprisingly well. Perrie decided she would stay with him for some time, she would go home later in the evening.
"Do you want to watch a film with me?" he asked.
"Yeah, seems nice. Which one?"
"I don't know. Maybe an old one? Like, 'Grease' or something?"
"Oh my god, I love that one!" she said.
"Great! If you put it on, I'll grab some beer. I haven't had that for a long time already! You want that too?"
"No thanks, I don't want to get home drunk." she said.
"Okay, that's fine."
They started the film when Alex was ready. The entire film, he wasn't even interested in. The only thing he wanted to pay attention to was Perrie's body.
"You're gorgeous." he said.
And just after he said it, his hands reached out for her boobs. Perrie responded to that by pressing his lips against his. The rest of the film they didn't even follow, they only did things together that she had never expected she would do with anyone.
"Wait.." she said vaguely.
"What's wrong?" he asked while continuing.
"I pill this...morning." she said even though she had already done the things she shouldn't have done.
"That's too late now, girl. Come on, enjoy."
The drinks they've had, had impact on their decisions. Clearly. They went on and on, without thinking about the consequences.

About an hour later, Perrie looked as if nothing had been going on, and she went home. She couldn't cycle perfectly straight but she hoped her mother wouldn't notice anything.
The minute she got home, she went upstairs and told her mother she was going to sleep. Little did her mum know she was actually on her phone, texting with her boyfriend, the teacher.

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