It all started when I was in a conversation with a friend (Not gonna say his real name) GamingFox39 or at the time Cool Creeper 289. I did videos with him before I got my Youtube channel then one day he said that he had a building team channel (Which no one joined) So he said I could have it, and of course I said "YES!" I started out using my Iphone 5 to record videos on my computer (They were terrible but got a lot of views Up to around 10-40 surprisingly) and then I got my first few subscribers. Then I met someone called Agentboat50 who had just started out youtube at the time and we became great friends and told each other about our Youtube channels. in May of 2016 I got a screen recorder to record videos on my pc it was called Action (It had a big watermark on the top tho -_-) But I didn't mind at the time, it was a free trial. Then when the trial expired I needed a new screen recorder that's when I got OBS (which I still use today) it was a free screen recorder so I could use it whenever! And then on June 28th I started a new series on FNAC 2 which did good for my channel at the time. Then I started a series on PopGoes (ANOTHER FNaF FAN-GAME! XD) and It got me about 100 views for each video I made on it.
Then fast forward to August 19th where I made my most popular video on my Gaming Channel a reaction to Sing for the Night. then I made a reaction channel which now has my most popular video ever made.
Then also in August I started my first ever Minecraft Series (I think) in Minecarft 1.10 then not to far after I started doing Xbox 360 Videos the first series on the Xbox 360 was my own Personal Terraria series then I had a Minecraft Xbox 360 Series and another Terraria series (The two Terraria Series didn't last long) But then I made a Terraria Series called "Terraria Co-Class" where me and a Friend DontMissDaChris picked our class I was Summoner and he was Warrior (I think I don't remember to much) and that was my most popular series at the time then in October I quit my Stampy614 channel and made a new channel called That Random Gamer (Then I switched back in February of 2017) then in March of 2017 my friend Agentboat50 introduced me to a group he made and they soon became my friends as well then not to far after we all became friends I made a Minecraft RolePlay with them (It was also my first time Roleplaying)
I was a cringe fest. And most of the people in that roleplay became my best friends and most likely for life. Then not to long after this video was made (About a month after) I hit 100 Subscribers after 1 year on Youtube I did it I hit 100 subscribers. then after about 2 months I did one of my best and longest livestreams every with ItzYeMum we streamed for 7 hours (Nearly 8)
And that leads me to Today July 4th 2017 I have made friends and foes, and I met some of the greatest friends ever this is my Youtube story from (Feb, 4th 2016 - July, 4th 2017)
to be continued...
My Youtube Story (2016-2017)
Non-FictionThis is the story of my Youtube Career (Not really it's more of a hobby)