Neville x Draco

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~6th year~
Neville's POV

I was on my way to double Potions class, walking with my friends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, just chatting away about whatever potion I was bound to mess up next. Christ, I forgot we had this class with the Slytherins. They're all so mean. Especially Malfoy, that guy's a huge dick. Pretty eyes though. And very dashing smile, as much as I hate to admit it.

Me and my friends walked into the cold, dark dungeon, and were glared at by Professor Snape. We took our seats. It was me and Ron at a table, and Harry and Hermione to our right.

The room soon started to fill with more people. Unfortunately for me and Ron, some pretty undesirable people sat next to us. Malfoy and Pansy were the ones to take a seat on the other side of Ron and I. Ron was very annoyed by them. Especially Pansy, oh my god she followed Malfoy like a deformed, lost puppy. I think even Malfoy was getting annoyed by her. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't like Malfoy or anything.. but he can do better than that. He's practically dating an overly attached dog. At least dogs are cute.

Finally Malfoy just couldn't take it anymore, I guess, because I saw him look very agitated, and next you know he snapped.


Quite a childish burn, if I do say so myself. Anyways, Pansy looked extremely offended. As if he had just poured a drink on her and smacked the piss out of her. This was too good. Pansy simply got up and walked away from Malfoy. He continued to work on his potion alone. I noticed that he was about to put too many rat tails in his potion, so I pointed that out to him.

"Hey, wait, don't add that last rat tail, you'll mess up your potion!"

"Piss off, Longbottom, what do you know? You suck at this class."
Ouch. Ok then. Was just trying to help..

I should've known he'd say that. Why do I try to help everybody? I know that Malfoy hates me. I just wish he wouldn't hate me sometimes. I guess I looked at Malfoy in a strange way after he said that because he actually looked sorry for a second. Then of course, he bitterly turned back to his potion. Me and Ron just tried to work on ours best we could. Unfortunately for us, however, two other Slytherins were sat behind us and kept jinxing us. Because of this, Ron lost his temper and didn't really do much but sit down and argue with the boys behind us, and we all know that I suck at potions, so I sort of panicked not knowing what to do.

I felt a pretty rough tap on my shoulder and I looked over. It was Malfoy. To my surprise, he wanted to help me out with my potion. But why would he help me? Oh well I'll take it.

I let him do the actual potion work while I read him the instructions and handed him the things for it. Our hands brushed every time I handed him something. Unless I'm tripping balls, he blushed one time. Why? God knows. In the end, my potion was complete, and it was done perfectly.

"Th-thank you Malfoy.."
Why am I stuttering?

"No problem Longbottom.."
Oh my god this conversation is so uncomfortable and awkward.

"H-hey uh, Malfoy, um, why exactly d-did you help me out here?"

"Because I-uh um, I felt bad for telling you to piss off earlier when you tried to help me, I guess," he said shyly.

"Oh right. I guess it's ok then, because now my potion is actually good. I'm sure Snape will still take off points for me though.."

"Oh I'm sure he will,"

He added a smirk to these last words. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly when he smirked at me. Why? I don't like Malfoy like that!?

"Talk to me after class, Longbottom," he said confidently.


Oh my god I'm literally the most awkward turd to ever live.

When Ron looked back at the potion "I" made, he was shocked.

"Woah, Neville! You did a potion right! Crazy!"

"Actually, Weasley, all he did was read the directions to me. I was the one that really did it."

"Cram it Malfoy, nobody cares."

"Whatever, Weasley."

And after he said that Snape came over, pretended that my flawless potion was awful, and we were dismissed. I took a little longer to pack up so I wouldn't have to walk with the other Gryffindors. After all, I was going to see Malfoy after class. Don't really need them around.

I followed Malfoy out of the Potions classroom and I was walking right behind him. When he noticed we were alone in the hallway, he abruptly stopped in front of me and before he could turn around and talk to me I accidentally bumped into his backside. He quickly pivoted around and looked at me like I was crazy. I noticed that he was flustered and I blushed intensely. What the heck was this?

"Longbottom! What the hell??" He whisper-shrieked.

"I-uh-I .. It was an accident! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you.. not like that.." he said in a low, lustful tone, while eyeing my body up and down, biting his lip.

This absolutely shocked me, the way he was hungrily looking at me and his tone of voice. I started to reply to what he said, but he cut me off by shushing me. Slowly, he took his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek, his grip a little tight. He then put his lips on mine. I never thought I'd say this, but I liked it. Who knew me, Neville Longbottom, would ever EVER kiss Draco Malfoy? His kisses were very rough and heated, yet his lips were so soft. It was amazing. When we finally pulled away, I just decided to pretend that my face didn't probably look like a tomato from where I was blushing so hard. Malfoy then pressed his warm body very close to mine, squeezed my butt, and whispered in my ear,

"Later, Longbottom,"

~ •
I haven't slept in like a day and this had absolutely no planning or sense behind it yay please give feedback if you somehow made it this far. -Leonio

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