Chapter 1

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The most boring lesson is finally over, I thought to myself. I walked over to my locker, number 303. I inserted my password into a number pad. Yes, we have number pads because our school is super "fancy". Anyways it's not anything complicated, all my friends would know my password.

I opened the locker door.

It's there.

It's always there. Every single day.

"It's time to shine your light, take your pride and live your life."

I smiled.


Yoongi's POV

"Hey sleepy head! Are you going to fall asleep before the class starts?"

"I bet he is, Tae! Look at his heavy eyelids, it looks like it's going to collapse!!!"

I ignored those bullies, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. I am actually really sleepy, but it's because I stayed up all night writing music, doing homework and revising. I have nothing to be ashamed of, but I looked at the floor like I was giving in to the bullies. I didn't say anything back even though I could explain. I couldn't fight back.

I had never fought back. I only hide. I only run. And the worse thing is I don't know why.

Everyone in my class hates me for some reason, and I only have one friend, Jung Hoseok. He supports me with all of his ability, but things are different when he is not around me.

I guess everyone hates me because I seem to sleep in class but still manage to get good grades. In fact, I am always number one in exams.

I walked into my classroom as fast as possible, trying to escape the snickers coming out of Taehyung, Jungkook and their "minions", namely everyone else. I opened the door to my classroom and sighed in relief when I saw who was in there. At least it's my favourite lesson, Music, taught by my favourite teacher, Mr. Kim Namjoon.

"If it's not my favourite student, Yoongi!" He smiled at me and his dimples showed, making me smile despite what just happened in the hall. Although he is really good looking, I like him because he is the only teacher that doesn't hate me.

He is the only person, other than Hoseok, that knows why I am always sleepy.

"Try not to sleep today, because it's time to write your very own song" Mr. Kim said, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"We are writing our own song??!!" I almost screamed, I would have if I wasn't sleepy and if the other classmates start entering the classroom. I have been waiting for this day for 16 years now, and I have been writing lyrics and notes in my notebook since I was three.

Mr. Kim must have seen how excited I was because he told us the instructions and due dates for our song and made us start immediately. I flipped open my notebook and wrote furiously onto the score sheet, totally absorbed into my own world.

I was so concentrated that I didn't notice Mr. Kim standing right behind me, looking over my work.

"Yoongi, your song is..." I jumped, clearly scared by his sudden appearance.

"Oops sorry if I scared you" Mr. Kim quickly apologized and I processed what he just said, still a bit scared. I realized that he had read all of my work, so I quickly covered it with my arms, but my cheeks were already red.

"I know it's bad, I will improve it when I get back home!" I spat out those words while my face is rapidly heating up of embarrassment.

"What are you talking about Yoongi? Your song, it''s so amazing and beautiful!" Mr. Kim pushed away my hands and took my score sheets. I didn't fight back because I frozed in place, shocked by his compliment.

"Everyone, can I have a minute of your attention please?" Mr. Kim told the class and went up to the piano. He looked at my score sheet and started playing it. I couldn't believe that Mr. Kim is actually playing my song in front of the whole class. I am going to be laughed at, and absolutely no one is going to like it because I am the one who wrote it.

The notes filled up the whole room, and I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to face life, or anyone else in my class. I know that they are going to laugh at me and bully me again because they don't like me getting all the attention of teachers. Although my song was only 3 minutes, it felt like an eternity to me.

When the last note was played, I braced myself, ready for any insults and laughs.


I was a bit taken back by this reaction, but at least they didn't bully me again. I sighed in relief and Mr. Kim returned the score sheets to me. He was about to say something to the class when the bell rang, signifying the end of the class.

"Your classmate are probably too impressed by your masterpiece to say anything. You did a great work Yoongi." Mr. Kim patted me in the back and left the classroom.

I packed my stuff, preparing for another lesson. I was going towards the door when Jungkook stood in front of me, blocking my way.

"Get out of my way" I didn't want anything to do with him.

"I don't think so, teacher's pet" Jungkook pushed me away from the door.

I was going to force my way out of the classroom when my nightmare started.

"What was that?!"

"That hurt my ears!"

"My ears hurt so much thanks to you!!"

"I think I need I doctor!"

My fists were clenched and I was looking at the floor, scared to face Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV

I seriously don't understand why Mr. Kim likes him. Yoongi doesn't deserve good grades, all he does is sleep in class. If anything, I should be his favourite student. I work hard in class and get pretty good grades too, only Yoongi is have better grades than me. But to me he doesn't count because he definitely cheats to get good marks.

I raised my hands and lifts Yoongi's chin up, forcing him to look at me. His eyes widened and I love to see him scared and weak.

"You got all the love and attention while I'm supposed to be the best student" I smirked and him. I saw his adam's apple move up and down and I knew he gulped. I was enjoying myself but it's time to punish him.

I looked at my "minions" and they walked towards Yoongi. We surrounded him and started hitting him. I picked up his score sheets and tear them apart. The sound of paper tearing apart was music to my ears.

I threw punches on his face, chest and legs. I kicked him at his shins and his weakest parts. His cries and whimpers were no effect on me, it just gave me more energy to continue bullying him.

I enjoyed every second of bullying Yoongi and we only left when it was time for lunch.

Yoongi's POV

I wanted to fight back. I wanted to run away, scream for help or at least defend myself. But I didn't. I lied on the ground and let them kick me and punch me.

Tears rolled down my bruised cheeks when I heard the sound of paper tearing apart. When they finally let me go I stood up and walked to my locker. I was lucky that it's lunchtime and no one is here to see me.

I was shaking in fear and pain when I opened my locker. The staff room in right next to me. I could have gone straight up to the door, open it and tell the principal everything. I could solve everything right here, right now.

I stared at the door for a few minutes before I turned my head and walked back to my dorm.

I gave up on fighting a long time ago.

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