Is it that bad that he is my step-brother [ 3 ]

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••• picture of who portrays the character of Elijah Hemmings in this book •••


I woke up tired and sleepy. I really really wanted to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.

I sat up as i checked the time, 9:30am and that is way to early for me on a Sunday.

I let out a big sigh as I was now standing in front of my long length mirror. "You dont put out!" the words played in my head. I turned the mirror around not wanting to look at myself.

I need to pee! Crap

I opened my bedroom door and walked to the bathroom and done my buisness. I was still tired. I was still sleepy and I still wanted to go back to bed.

I forced my self down the steps, I sat down and went bum down on each step. I saw Colton and Dylan at the table and they had no shirt's on. I stood up quickly and went to the kitchen.

"Your Daddy and My Mummy went to work." A voice said, It was Colton

I sighed at those words, I guess he doesn't even know.

"Okay, Thanks" I let out. He didn't say anything, not even a 'your welcome' rude much?

I poured my cereal and milk and grabbed a spoon and sat down, opposite of them, by the way. Colton gave me a weird expression, please like I'm gonna sit next to them.

"Great, Now I have to call James." I mumbled to myself. I have to go to the store to pick up some certain items, if you know what I mean.

I put a spoon full of cereal in my mouth when Colton opened his mouth and started to talk.

"Who's James? Your boyfriend?" he smirked.

I nearly chocked on my food. I swallowed and gasped for air. Colton let a small chuckle from his mouth, Dylan was just staring at me waiting for me to answer the question.

"What, ew." I yell. "No way!"

"Thn who is he is missy moo, I can't let my new step-sister date a douche bag now can I?" He asked again.

"James is your Mother's husband!" I blabbled out as Itook another spoonful of my delicious Milo cereal.

I glanced over to Dylan who had a massive smirk on his face. Like he would be my next boyfriend, but he is really good looking.

"Why don't you just call him dad or father? " Colton blurted out.

"Because" I answer, I have finished my breakfast and DAMN it was good.

"Well he kind of made you so it's a bit rude if you don't..." Colton said.

"No he didn't." I snapped.

"No?"  he startled.

"Exactly, Ugh I'm adopted, moron" I explain.

He was shocked and surprised at the same time. I rolled my eyes and got up. I put my bowl and spoon in the sink and walked over and sat on the couch and put on NETFLIX.

I put on Prison Break and sat there and watched it, very sunday of me. I heard footsteps, I turned and the boys were going up stairs.

Ugh finally I can get comfy. I swung around and put my legs over the back part and put my head down. It was comfy, I pulled put the recliner so my head could lay on that.

I cried a bit in season 2 when Micheal saw his Dad again and got upset. So sad. About 2 hours later, I was completely zoned out and watching my show..

"What the f#ck are you doing, Alexus?" Someone yelled.

I jumped with fright and rolled straight off the couch and onto the floor, I heard a bunch of chuckling. I sat up and tilted my head as I removed the bit's of hair that was covering my eyesite

"What do you want now?" I snapped as I paused the television. "Whatever it is, do it yourself"

How dare he interrupt me as I'am watching Prison Break, How rude of him.

"Wow, Someone got her nickers in a twist with that fall off the coucb" Colton chuckled.

"Really now, that was your fault and now someone is about to have their face full of a fist." I yell.

They look at me shocked and surprised.I started cracking my knuckles. They look a bit scared.

"Run" I said, Firmly and calmly.

They bolted up stairs, I was now laying on the floor laughing hysterically. I couldn't breathe, to much laughter coming from my mouth.

I was shocked that they actually ran but I kept laughing and laughing until 4 arms grabbed me and picked me up.

What were they doing? I was soon outside, I glanced over and there was a pool. Oh no.

They swung me around and dropped me well they kind of threw me into the pool. I was shivering, I shredded a couple of tear's, It was icy cold and freezing. I started shivering. I tried the hardest I ever tried before and got over to the ledge, almost going under...

I stormed off as they started chuckling. I did not like the water at all. I hated the pool and ocean. I haven't gone swimming in 2 years.

I told you that my best friend Jessica Jones died well she drowned. It was terrible and I cry most of the time i think about it.

What they did was not funny, they were laughing and I was crying, I was drenched and crying my eyes out. I heard them snicker.

"Wowwww, crying because she got her hair wet. Pathetic" Colton laughed I turned around, furiously.

"Excuse me? I'am NOT crying because my hair is wet, WOW your such a jerk." I yelled.

"Than obviously your crying because oh wait I got it! you got your makeup all ruined." Colton said and started laughing again.

"What! No that is definitely not it. I hate you! " I scream and run off.

Ugh how dare he. I dried off and put some other clothes on and headed out the door, I had my car keys in my pocket. I drove off as I was heading down the highway now. I blasted the music as my favourite song came "Despacito". I loved the song, I started singing to it.

I was now parked in front of the beach. I sat there with music still blasting. I then let a bunch of tears roll out of my eyes and down my cheek's. I soon heard a voice, are they talking to me?

"Hey, I love this song" A voice yelled.

I turn to the figure and turn down the music, I wipe the tears away. It's to late; The figure has seen. It was a boy, He looked around my age.

I just nod, "That's cool" I say.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Uh, Not really. My new step- brother is a big jerk." I say. Why am I even opening up to this person?

We started talking for about an hour, his name was Elijah Hemmings. He was my age. He was cute, funny and super nice. He had brown hair, Black glasses and brown eyes.

His smile was amazing. I said bye and drove off. He said bye and waved and of course, I waved back. His cute but for me, not my type - to date.

* * *

I got back home and went straight to bed as I needed sleep for tomorrow ad it was like 6pm and they were still at work, They didn't finish till about 11-12 and i needed to sleep. First day of school tomorrow, Great.

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