Chapter 1

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Every year a new person from the five districts is selected to go to music camp. You don't have a choice. This year I was selected. I get in the bus and put my headphones on and start listening to music. I play Now or Never and look out the window. When I wake up we have about fifteen minutes to go until we get to the camp. I can't believe I slept for 6 hours. I put on Why Don't We Just and start singing along quietly. I can't help but smile when they play. Their just so good they make me so happy.

*Zach POV*
We get on the bus and sit behind a girl who is asleep. She's really cute. Later she wakes up, I can hear her singing I Depend On You from our EP. I smile and listen to her sing. I can't help but stare. "Bro!" Jonah nudges me "Yes!" I say looking at him. "What are you staring a- ooh!" He smirks standing up and looking at the girl.

*Brodie Pov*
I grab my bags and rifle through them looking for my lucky bracelet. I start to panic when I can't find it. The bus stops suddenly and my bracelet whizzes past from under my seat. I pick it up and put it on. I check the charms. A paw, microphone, snowflake, cookie, a gear and a key. My friend who died had the lock that the key went into. I smile and take the case off my phone. Out falls a small folded photo of me and her at her birthday. 4 days before the accident. I wipe my eyes and start getting ready to get out of the bus. "OK EVERYBODY OUT!" The bus driver yells. I pick up my bags and get out and wait for everyone else get out too. I look up and see Why Don't We. Zach smiles at me. I look away and to the old lady comes out of the house with a young boy. "First we have the rules!" The old lady yells "I'm Mrs Grith and this is my grandson Chase! The rules are: no looking at the opposite gender, no talking to anyone who is not in your group, no going into someone else room, no talking, no singing, no pets, no loud noises, no playing instruments in the house, no laughing, you can only talk if in your own room!" She yells "Now go upstairs and find a room! Three rooms upstairs! Four downstairs! First person to get there gets it!" She yells as we all walk inside and up the small creaky staircase. At the top of the stairs is a room then to the right another and one at the other end of the stairs. (The house is an L shape) I take the one at the back and close the door. The Boys were behind me and I think they went in the one next to me. I look around the room and got over to the window seat and sit down. I sigh and open the window. When you walk into the room you see the window seat to the left and the bed to the right with a lamp next to the bed. I put my clothes in the wardrobe and sit back down at the window. "EVERYONE DOWN HERE NOW!" Mrs Grith's shrill voice screeches. I open the door and walk down behind the boys. "We will have supper at 6 so you have 10 minutes to do whatever you want!" Chase looks at me and winks. I hide my face behind Jonah "You!" Chase walks over to me I look at the ground and see Zach's feet step closer to me. "What's your name?" Chase lifts my head "Brodie!" I whisper "Brodie eh? I'll see you tonight, Brodie!" He snickers "You can go now!" Chase waves his hands and we go back to your rooms. I walk upstairs and go over to the bathroom to wash my face. The roof is slanted so when I turn around I hit my head. "Are you ok?" Zach asks I look at my feet walking past him and to my room. I'm not getting in trouble just because some cute guy asks if I'm ok! I get changed for dinner into a white shirt and black leggings. Then I flop onto my bed and put on my headphones playing Why by Zach Herron. It's me and Zoe's favourite song. Then my mind wanders. Zach. Zoe. The crash. What happened after she left. I shake my head and take off my headphones.

*Zach POV*
I walk into my room and sit on my bed. Jack walks into the room "Sup bro!" He fist bumps me and sits on the bean bags. "Nothing much!" I stand up and put on some shoes "Time for dinner!" Corbyn sticks his head through the door "Coming bro!" Jack says as he walks downstairs. Before I go I knock on her door. "Brodie? It's time for dinner!" I knock softly on her door I smile as she walks out to me. Walks past looking at her feet. Dang she looked pretty.

*Brodie Pov*
We got downstairs and sat at the table. "Eat it fast!" Mrs Grith yells dropping a pot of something onto the table. After everyone has some I slowly pour it onto my plate and start eating it trying not to gag. Suddenly I get grabbed by the back of my neck. "Get up!" Chase throws me on the floor. I see Zach stand up. I shake my head at him. I know what happens if you disobey the rules. I stand up in front of Chase and wait. "What do you think your doing eating with out asking permission from me?!" He yells into my ear out of the corner of my eye I see Zach clench his fists "Besides! It looks like you've already eating enough!" He laughs lifting my shirt up. "Hey! She is not fat!" Daniel stands up "You had no right to do any of that!" Jack yells "I can do whatever I want!" Chase laughs "Any of you interfere again! You'll soon learn not to!" Chase throws me against the ground again. "Get up and go to your room!" Mrs Grith yells at me. I stand up and go into my room.

The Risk You Take • Zach Herron/Why Don't We Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now