Chapter four; Be Still

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               As I lie down on our bed, I sigh then look at Amy. "You don't have to come tomorrow if you don't want to."
"What?" She rolled over and looked back at me.
"It's just...I don't want you to think that I can't handle this." There. I let it out. But was it the right thing to say?
"Ty," she sat up. "I would never think you couldn't do anything. You are the strongest man that I know. And I'm the most stubborn woman so you can't keep me here." She laughed.
"Yeah you are," I said laughing. "I can't wait for you to see the eagle."
"I know! I'm so excited. It'll be an experience that's for sure."  Amy smiled.
"Well we should probably hit the hay then." I lay down.
"What are you talking about?" She looked at me confused.
"Amy, it's eleven o'clock. We have a long day tomorrow." I said looking at her confused.
"Ty what are you saying? It's five in the afternoon."
I didn't know what she was talking about. I started to hear a ringing noise. A strong, high pitched one.
"Ty? Ty. Ty?" Each word getting more muffled. The high pitch got so loud I covered my ears and fell of the side of the bed.
"Ty?" I open my eyes. I yelled and grabbed whatever was in front of me. I was scared. I couldn't see.
"Woah Ty take it easy! It's just me. It's Amy." Amy. Amy! I immediately let go. I grabbed her arm without knowing. I could see a little better now.
"Amy, Amy I uh," I couldn't think straight. My vision was still fuzzy.
"Hey hey. Just relax. It's okay. Shh." She grazed her fingers through my hair.
"Are we still in the forest?" I rubbed my head.
"Uh, yeah. went out for a while are you feeling okay?" She said feeling my forehead.
"I fell from a cliff. Never better." I joked.
Amy looked down at my leg. "I started cutting your jeans around your cut," she started. "But I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Once I remembered hurting my leg, the pain came back. The dream felt so real. I wish I could go back and start all over. "Yeah yeah. I can um, show you what to do for that." I grabbed my leg.
"Ty you just sit tight. You just fell about twenty feet." She said getting out the gauze and alcohol.
"Guess you can't say that too many times in your life, can you?" I said.
"I'm just glad you're alive." She said kissing my hand.
"Me too." I half smiled.

      "Next, I need you guys to open up the gates to three enclosures on the west side of the property. You're gonna have to hoof it though. It's all there in the sketch." Bob said.
"H-how far is it?" Adam asked.
"On foot? Fifteen minutes give or take. I would do it for you but I have a new short-horned lizard coming in." Bob said.
"Oh cool! They shoot blood out of their eyes." Jade said nodding her head.
"I'm impressed. Want to come with me?" Bob asked.
"Sure!" Jade said.
Georgie eyed Jade.
"What?" Jade mouthed.
"Great then you two can do the gate," Bob started but then realized they were all giving each other death stares. "Is that a problem?"
"Um nope. Not at all. We'll get right on it." Georgie grabbed Adams arm and pulled him out of the shed.
"Uh," Georgie stopped. "Where are you going?"
"The map says the gate is this way." Adam pointed south.
"No it's not. And besides I've been here before so I know my way around. The gates this way." Georgie pointed north west.
"Fine you go your way, I'll go mine." Adam said.
"Fine." Georgie walked into the shed where she found an ATV.
"What do you think you're doing?" Adam stomped up.
"Taking the ATV. It'll be way faster than on foot." Georgie mounted the vehicle.
"You can't just take that without Bob knowing!" Adam shouted.
"He won't mind. Now are you coming or not?" Georgie said impatiently. She shrugged and started to leave.
"Wait!" Adam said holding his hand up to Georgie. "At least take a helmet." He said giving her a helmet. He then grabbed another and put it on his head, then mounted the back of the ATV.
"Fine then. Here we go!" Georgie said as she drove away on the ATV.


   "Okay so I use this then?"  Amy held up a bottle of alcohol.
"Yes. First you need to stem the blood-flow. Here take my belt." Ty said trying to take off his belt.
"Hey hey hey. I got it. Just lay down." Amy said taking off Ty's belt.
"Six inches above the wound, as tight as you can go." Ty said with shallow breaths.
Amy nodded. She measured with her fingers. The tighter she put the belt the harder Ty gripped the tree.
"Ahh!" He let out a yell.
"I'm sorry! Ty. It's almost done." Amy said trying not to cry.
"Amy," Ty said staring at his leg. "The blood. It's just pooling there by the wound. H-how tight is that belt?" Ty asked.
"It's three holes from the tightest." Amy said.
"Make it two." Ty said inhaling as she tightened it again.
"Okay it's two. W-what now?" Amy said rubbing her shaky hands.

Trying to collect my thoughts, I respond to Amy in a shaky voice. "You have to flush it out. Get that bottle." I said pointing at my bag.
"You know this reminds me of the story you told about you and Scott. Did you have to do all of this?" Amy asked.
I sighed trying not to think about the pain coming. "Yeah. Yeah I did. The only thing that I don't have in my bag is that mil of the horse meds."
"This is going to sting." Amy said getting ready to pour the liquid over my leg.
As it hit my leg, it wasn't bad at first. Then it burned. It got to the point where it felt like flames were inside my leg. I tried to hide it from Amy. I grabbed the grass on the ground and squeezed it between my hands. I never yelled. I tried to hold it in. The best I could do was groan out loud. It was so painful. I wanted to just faint. Anything would be better. It hurt worse than the bone being set. I suddenly felt light headed.
"Ah! Amy, AH!" I finally yelled.
"Ty," Amy stopped pouring. "Be still. Please. It over." She finished.

            I could tell that Ty was going to black out. I can't imagine how painful this must be for him. I'd do anything to take his place.  "Ty? Ty you gotta stay awake." I said.
"A-Amy..." He said weakly.
I tried to think about what to do next. I've seen him help Remi before when she was bleeding after falling down a well. I grabbed the gauze. The blood was leaking through each pad. It wasn't stopping. I started to worry even more. Was he going to loose too much?
"Ty? Ty it won't stop. The bleeding it won't. What do I do?" I asked hoping for an answer.
"When the bone broke probably hit an...artery. have to find it and...pinch it shut." Ty said trying to stay awake.
"Ty?" I asked.
"It''s okay. Just find the artery and pinch it."
My heart skipped a beat. Was he going to be okay?! "Ty, you're going to be okay." I started to cry. "I'm sorry." I stuck my finger in his cut. He let out a cry. The tone in his voice made my adrenaline go off. I felt around for a long stringy tube.
"Amy! Ahh!" He cried.
I went as fast as I could. The things I was feeling, touching, and smelling horrified me. I don't know how Ty does it. The smell was like smelling burning plastic.  I felt where his bone snapped in half. I wanted to take my fingers out but I had to find that artery before he bleeds out.
     "Ty I found it!" I said.
"Good," He said panting. "Now you gotta pinch it. As hard as you can." 
  "O-okay." I pinched it shut. Still holding onto it with one hand, a grabbed gauze and fit it inside where the artery rested.
"Mmm..." Ty moaned. "Now there should be a paper clip in there too. Close the artery with it." He said squeezing his eyes closed.
I grabbed the clip with my hands. They were coated in blood and it almost slipped through my fingers. I managed to keep a grip and placed the clip over the hole.
  "You aren't bleeding anymore Ty!" I gasped in relief.
"That...that's great." Ty said as his voice got weaker.
I got the gauze and tape and wrapped it up.
   "It's good now. You're okay," I grabbed his hand. "Now we just need to get out of here." I said to myself. "Just rest now." 
I looked up. I saw the sky getting darker. I need to make a fire or things could go bad. Tomorrow is a new day. I'll figure out how to get out of here then, but for now I'm focused on keeping my husband alive. "We'll be okay," I whispered to my sleeping husband. "It's all going to be okay."

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