Chapter Fourteen: Plans

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I stopped in my tracks, staring at Danielle. "How did you find us?" I asked quietly.

"I followed you." she said nonchalantly, then turned to Ben. "Wait in the car, loverboy. This needs to be private."

"No way, I'm staying with her." Ben protested, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ben, I'll be fine." I told him, pulling away, then leaned to whisper in his ear: "This might be the only shot we have at finding out what we need to know."

Reluctantly, he nodded, and walked back to the car. I turned to Danielle, and shook my head. "I know about Warren." I said.

"I know." she replied. "But Olivia, Warren's dangerous. His brother... his brother, Jamie, had a serious gambling problem. He stole money from Warren, and wasted it all away. A few days later, Jamie was really drunk, and tried to beat up Warren for more money. Warren killed him, without even thinking about it. I was there. Sam walked in, looking for me, and Warren almost killed him too, but I stopped him. When Warren's dad showed up, Warren twisted everything around, and blamed it on Sam. They've been after him since."

My throat felt tight. I didn't think that I was dealing with something so much bigger than I was.

My jaw dropped. "What? I never heard of a murder around here..."

"Warren's brother was visiting from Colorado. He was unemployed, and had no other connections. Warren got rid of the body, and he disappeared completely." she explained. "Look, Olivia, you shouldn't have involved yourself with this in the first place, but it's too late now. I have a plan, but I'm going to need you and your boyfriend if it's going to work."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I told Sam to meet me at Klein's Haunted House at the costume part on Tuesday. I told Warren about it, and he's going to be there with his dad." she started, and I cut her off.

"What? Why would you tell Warren?" I snapped.

"Let me finish." she told me, wringing her hands nervously. "I thought that if I keep Warren and his dad away, I could get you and your boyfriend to protect Sam and call the cops. They won't believe us unless they catch Warren in the act. Then I'll explain that Warren murdered his brother, and they can make the arrest."

I paused. "That's actually not bad, but what if Warren finds out you're planning this?" I asked.

"He'll kill me." she answered. "But honestly, I'd rather die than watch Warren murder my brother."

"Okay, we're in." I said, glancing at Ben in the car. "At least, I think we are."

"Thank you." Danielle said. "We'll spend tomorrow planning, then on Tuesday night, things should be fine. Meet me in the park tomorrow. I'll take care of Warren."

I nodded, and Danielle walked away, but something didn't feel right.

When I got into the car, Ben turned to me right away. "So, what's the deal?"

"She's getting Sam to meet her at Klein's Haunted House on Tuesday, and she's bringing Warren and his dad, and going to tell them where to find Sam. Except, you and I are going to be with Sam- and the police." I explained. 

"And if we can't convince the cops?" he asked nervously.

"We won't have to. We'll tell them to stay out of sight until Warren comes in, and then arrest him and his father. Danielle's willing to explain everything." I reassured him, but I admit, I wasn't so sure myself.

"I don't trust her." Ben stated.

"We can't do this alone." I pointed out, as Ben started the engine and slowly pulled away from teh curb.

He drove me home, and then we skipped school the next day to prepare for the party, and by Tuesday evening, we were ready- or, as ready as we could ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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