Late Last Night

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Late last night I sat and wondered,

"Why this world such a warmonger?"

With war as an answer and peace discarded

I find myself losing heart and,

Then to me it all came clear,

"The answer lies where we appeared."

For man and wife were first to share

The communion of peace that hate did fear.

Not two boys who laughed and fought,

for competitive urges that bore naught.

Nor girls who spent their days in waste,

growing grapevines that flowered hate.

Instead a man whose lonesome self

Yearned the comfort from someone else.

Then lovers embrace guided him true

As a woman's touch showed him truth

Together as one they stood beside

And ways without war would abide

And soon thereafter we get a glimpse

Of men not brothers who held contempt

The breaking of piece as anger flared

All free nations would at once despair

For man and wife it should have stayed

And all else siblings who share caring gaze

Men amongst one another

Should then become brothers

As they fight not their own but for another

And the women who endeavour

The pain altogether

Are sisters in all but blood

Tis the family bond

A gift from beyond

That is key to release us from tears

The woman thus guided man

And he protected her hand

As they created life for one another

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