Poster's Note:
Dear Readers,
For those who wish to find the original copy of this book, go to Google Books and search for "Dickens's Dictionary of Paris, 1882" and you will find the original which includes detailed maps of Paris.
I am posting this for the aid of my friends and fellow writers on this website. I understand the need to take some liberties in fictional writing but, it is also nice to have a touch of the realistic so, I'm posting this to help out.
I do not know how often I shall post on this. My fingers can only type so fast and I have lots going on this summer with school. But, I shall post it as I can and will not fail until I have finished it!
In the original book, there are many tables and "small caps" words. Any word that would have been "small caps" will now be underlined. As for tables, I have had to transfer them into lists. If there is any question on the content, please comment and I shall try to clarify it.
Dickens's Dictionary of Paris, 1882: An Unconventional Handbook
Non-FictionBibliographical Information: Dickens, Charles. "Dicken's Dictionary of Paris, 1882: An Unconventional Handbook." London, England: Macmillan & Co., Bedford Street, Strand, Dec 31, 1882. ALERT TO ALL WRITERS CONCERNED WITH HISTORICAL ACCURACY: This bo...