Kisses on Cheek

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One of Lauren's favorite parts of the day is when the girls get home.

Usually, she is the one that always gets home first because she only has classes in the morning and she doesn't work like Dinah and Camila do, so she pretty much has the rest of the day for herself until one of them arrive.

Some days it is just Dinah the one that comes home early —just a bit after Lauren—, and they both put on their pajamas, bring some snacks to the living room, cuddle on the couch and watch a show on Netflix until Camila joins them a bit later on.

Other times it is Dinah and Camila together, which means that most of the time, Lauren is greeted with giggles and smiles as they step into their apartment.

And other times, like now, it is just Camila that gets home early.

Lauren is listening to music through her earphones and she is furiously typing on her laptop when she hears the distant sound of the door closing, indicating that —like every Thursday in the afternoon— Camila is home after her shift in the library.

And although Lauren is completely prepared to see her roommate and best friend, she is definitely not prepared to see a drenching Camila standing under the doorframe of their apartment front door.

She gasps and a couple of seconds later, Lauren's bubbly laugh is echoing in the apartment, making Camila frown immediately in response.

"Don't laugh," Camila whines childishly, crossing her arms dramatically over her chest and giving Lauren a pout as tiny droplets of rain fall from her clothes to the floor. "There is a stupid storm..."

"You're wet," Lauren smirks widely, not having heard Camila and controlling another giggle that is fighting to leave her mouth.

Camila huffs rolling her eyes and gives Lauren a poisonous glare before she closes the door behind her. "No shit," she says sarcastically and turns around dramatically to face her best friend again.

"Aw, Camzi," Lauren says cutely, finally taking off her earphones and leaving the warmth of her space on the sofa to walk towards Camila with a soft smile painted on her lips. "I told you to bring an umbrella, didn't I?" she inquires, tilting her head to the side.

"Hug me," Camila demands not leaving that whiny attitude as she furrows her eyebrows, pouts her lips again, and waits for Lauren to do what she is told.

"Uh, I think we should keep the distance," Lauren says, already holding up her hands and taking a step back to keep Camila at a non-dangerous distance.

"Lauren," Camila says and before Lauren can even process what is happening she is wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist to pull her completely against her body.

Lauren gasps again and tries to push Camila away from the moment she feels her clothes dampening. "You, fucker," Lauren tells her, unable to unwrap Camila's arms from her waist.

"Please, I'm making you wet, you're loving this," Camila replies with a laugh and even though Lauren is cold thanks to the girl and her stupid damp clothes, Camila stills manages to melt her heart.

A laugh escapes through Lauren's lips and she stops fighting because well, that is what she does when Camila does this kind of things.

"Shut up, Camz," Lauren says with a husky voice and the next thing she knows is that Camila is nuzzling her face in the crook of her neck, trying to get some warmth that Lauren clearly can't provide at the moment.

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