Chapter 1 - Jimin

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Jimin's P.O.V

I'm Jimin, I'm 14 and everyone hates me including my parents. Every day I go to school and get bullied because I am gay , most people know by now so yeah and each time I go home I get abused by my mother because I am gay , the only way for me to escape is by cutting and that's how I escape by letting my world slip away little by little each day.

I get woken up by the shrill of my mother's voice shouting for me to get up. I lazily drag myself out of bed and getting in the shower, letting the warm water run over me I stand like this for about five minutes, then drag my self out, walking over to my wardrobe I pick my outfit for today it's a long sleeve black and red shirt ( even in summer I have to ware long sleeves to hide the scars which is a real pain in the ass ) with a white shirt underneath with my black skinny jeans and brown boots and my black school bag

 I lazily drag myself out of bed and getting in the shower, letting the warm water run over me I stand like this for about five minutes, then drag my self out, walking over to my wardrobe I pick my outfit for today it's a long sleeve black and red...

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I know that I will get a slap if I don't reply so I shout down " I'm coming, please stop shouting" I dont hear a reply so I assume she has left for work. I pick up my school stuff and head downstairs. I slip on my shoes by the front door. But once again I was wrong about my judgement when I got stopped by her on my way out. Oh shit this can't be go-. My thoughts get stopped when I feel a sharp pain on my cheek signaling she slapped me

"yes mum, what do you need ?"

" At least say goodbye you ungrateful faggot, after all I have done for you. Fed you . Clothed you and kept you under my roof even when you are a faggot. It's your fault your father left."

The words she said made tears flood my eyes. " bye mum " I said whilst looking at the floor. Which was a bad mistake as that earned me another slap. " get out of my sight" she spat in my face as I slipped out of the door before more damage could be done.

Why me ? - yoomin (On Hold ) Where stories live. Discover now