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Love. Love was a force so powerful it brought gods down to their kneels. It was something Piper thought she understood. She thought love was when you cared for someone so much that you would do anything just for their comfort. She also thought that love it wasn't kissing your ex-girlfriend when you are dating someone you love. And lastly Piper thought that love was something that her and Jason shared. She felt like she was wrong.

Your probably 'wondering what the hell is she talking about? Jason loves her she's CRAZY. Well here's the thing something happen today. Something that put her in the position. Lying in the Aphrodite Cabin with her kneels at her hugged up against her chest sobbing her heart out.

Well, Piper had just finished her training session with Hazel. Jason had told her to meet him near his office. She didn't know what was going on. Boy, was she upset when she found out. When she walked into the his office she could not see him, but there was a note on the table it read :

Dear Piper ,

Hey Piper it's me Jason. I just wanted to let you know I'm not at Camp Half-Blood anymore and I don't think I will be coming back. Living at Camp Half-Blood made me realize how much I miss Camp Jupiter and all of my old friends. I need to go back. I am not sure if you understand but they are my family and I can't live without my family.

I'm really sorry piper.


    She was done of letting people like Jason make her feel like she was useless. So later that night she packed up her bags and called her dad. Piper was going back home.She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote down her good-byes. She said she would miss them all but she hopefully will be back soon. After getting one last look at  the cabin she took off. Letting her feet take where they wanted and her mind roam freely, listen to music on her ipod. 

          She might have walked for hours or days or even weeks when she stubbles upon the most unexpected thing. It was a man in a greek get-up with a big tough guy look on his face. He look like he was in his mid-twenties but when you looked into his big blue eyes you could tell this guy had been around for along time. He had choclatley brown hair that carelessly  clung to the top of his head. 

                She slowly stepped back and with a shakey voice said" Wh- who are you."

                The man chuckles softly, his hair moving swiftly in the wind, and his body shaking lightly as he laughs. "My name is Eros. I am here to warn you. The path you are about to go on is one of great danger."

                    Piper stood there like a frozen statue. This could not be happening again. Not again. She began to panic. Her breathing got quicker, and shorter. She felt like the walls were closing on her. Another quest. Another chance to have her life taken away. She could not do this, she would not do this. She already did this once now she had to do it again. Wasn't the last quest enough. Clearly the fates were not stratified.

   The Eros took a step forward" I know you do not wish to do this but I am afraid it is to late to turn back now."

                         The man handed her a ticket. She stared at it closely and discovered that is was a ticket that would bring her to her father's house. She shifted her gaze to thank Eros but by the time she lifted her head Eros was gone. She chuckled lightly. She wondered what the hell the fates had in store for this time.

Hey guys yes I'm alive. Sorry I have not update in forever but I got sick. Like my throat almost closed up sick. But now I am back and ready to write. I am a little rusty so please forgive all errors in advance. And keep on reading. P.S. Please check out the author I dedicated this to they are awesome. So go check them out. Well see ya next time :)

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