Everything goes (kinda) well...

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The two are walking for quite some time, going through shops, chatting, laughing, looking at the wonderful, yet hectic scenery of Midi City. Crow even shows Cyan some of his favorite spots in the city he loves to sneak over when the times allowing it. A small cafe, some shops and a mostly almost empty park are just some of the spots.

'How does no one from Shingan knows about spots?', Cyan thinks as her stomach grumbles hearable. Cyan blushes embarrassed over it, but the red and black hedgehog only laughs.

"That fits well, I wanted to go now over to a restaurant to grab something to eat. C'mon Cy.", he says with a grin, which let her heart just melt away like ice cream on a sunny hot day. "Oh... Cool.", she stutters.

'Maybe Mr. Berry was right and I love Crow.... But still... I don't know if he loves me too.', Cyan thinks while they go to a close restaurant from a huge line of fast food restaurants all over Midi City. Sure, Cyan has waited for that they would go to Tokusam Ramen, to grab there something, but this is way closer.

After getting their orders, the pair sits down in a sitting area, far away from the crowded room and enjoyed their meal. Everything was perfect in Crow's view, but some small accidents happened, suprisingly in his favour. 'Still... Why that has happend?', the red and black haired vocalist thinks and looks lost in thought out of the window besides them.

Cyan notices that somethings wrong with Crow and taps him light on the shoulder to get his attention. Scarlet eyes are focused on her in a second and she feels butterflies in her stomach again.

"Anything alright?", she asks him.  "Y-yeah. Everything's alright", the hedgehog stutters, his black ears slightly downward tilted, scratching his neck and looking slightly embarrassed to the side, as if he awaits some signal from a friend of him, but after a second he looks back to her. 'C'mon Crow, now or never! Tell her your feelings!', he thinks.

"Well... There's really something I wanted to tell you since some time now. I....", Crow begins but is cut short by Cyan. "I really appreciate the time I've spend with you and one thing is clear : I want to do it again with you!", she peaks up, smiling. But then she starts to blush : "And also.... That.... You're..." she starts, but isn't getting her sentence to an end. 'What am I doing? I can't tell him my feelings!', the cat panics in her head, as she feels her hands holded by the opposite sitting male. Also his voice has changed, from the usual loud and obnoxus to a more calm and more quiet voice, which gives her a small cold shiver.

"Cyan, I think it sounds quite weird but there's something I've hidden from you, everybody, heck even for myself. I didn't wanted to let everybody know about it, but...", he slightly looks away, " It may sound weird, but... I..... I.... I love you Cyan." With that sentence he locks eyes with her. Cyan looks surprised and flustered back. She smiles. "I love you too Crow.", she confesses back and both starts to laugh a bit.

Crow's the first to stop laughing and gives Cyan a quick peek on her cheek. "I'm glad about it Cy.", he tells her with a blush. "Me too Crow.", she replies, while the two finish their meal.

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