Chapter Three

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I woke up with a sudden need to see Luce. I vaguely remembered my dream, as I knocked on her door a certain set of words found its way to my head. "Don't let her fall." the voice said. Lucy opened the door with a yawn. I hugged her tightly as she said good morning. "Is this what I should look forward to every morning?" she asked, lightly hugging me back. I chuckled, "Sorry, I just--you worried me last night." I lied. "I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me." She sadly apologized. I sighed, "It's hard to be mad at you." We released the hug before I started feeling head pain. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" Lucy asked putting her hands on my shoulders.  . "Luce, I think I'm going to go lay down" I said, but before I could she sat me down on her bed "My--my head" I stuttered "your..head? How many beers did you have?" she said with a laugh. "Only six." I said with a guilty face.  All she did was laugh and say "you're a dork."

Lucy left the room, and came back five minutes later with a cup of coffee and aspirin. "Thanks" I said "No problem." she said with a smile. "I should go back to my room." I said, trying to stand up. "No, no, no, no, no." she said siting me back down. "Please..just stay here a little longer." she said.

Lucy's P.O.V

"Don't leave. Please! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" I mentally yelled. He sighed and lay back down. I smiled lightly. The smile faded as old memories clogged my brain.

"Lucy, I love you. I always have. And I always will." a blonde haired lady said. "Honey." A blonde haired man said, standing next to me. I couldn't speak. Tears flowed down my face. "Take care of her." The lady told the man. I opened my mouth, but no words flowed out. "I'll always be with you Lucy. Always" The lady couldn't help but cry. "Live life to the fullest Lucy. Live, for me. Explore the world. For me." she put her hand on my face. "Don't leave us." said the man. "Don't leave us!" he yelled again."I'm sorry. I love you both so much. Continue your journey in life my darlings. And, take care." the lady said, before closing her eyes for eternity. "Mom!" I finally screamed. "Please, come back Mommy." I sobbed. "Don't leave me Mommy. Don't leave me." I held her hand to my face sobbing.

A tear rolled down my face as a picture of the beautiful women appeared in my mind. I stayed in the room sobbing quietly until Natsu fell asleep.

I walked out of the room and fell to the floor, "Mom." I cried. "I love you so much. I'll make you proud. I promise." I whispered. I then wiped my tears and put a fake smile on my face. "I will make you proud." I thought. I made my way to the kitchen. I guess you can say I love taking care of people. I took care of my mother before she died, and my father after she died. My father didn't want my help. All he did was beat me. He used to be so gentle. I guess people change over time. I still tried to help him as much as I could. But when he needed me the most, I was too mad at him to help him. I left him. All alone. In that horrible mansion. I can't remember if I regretted it or not back then. Now days, it kills me. I want to go back, but I'm just too scared. I'm sorry mom. I'm so so sorry.

3rd person P.O.V

Lucy poured a glass of water and walked back into the room. There Natsu lay asleep. Lucy looked at him lovingly. She placed the glass on the nightstand next to him and bit her lip. She sat on the floor, her face about his. Her heart started beating fast, he was so handsome. Her heart was beating faster and faster my the moment. Butterflies filled her stomach. Then she did it.

Lucy leaned over and kissed her forehead. For some reason she felt attracted to him. But kissing his forehead wasn't enough. She moved her head and kissed his lips. After, she fell backwards. "Did I just.. take advantage of him?" She thought. But almost immediately after she had fallen, she found herself putting her face close to his again. She stood up, before she could turn around, she closed her eyes and an arm pulled her into the bed. She opened her eyes to see golden brown eyes looking at her chocolate brown orbs.

"Is that how you feels" he smirked, touching her lips with two fingers. She blushed and tried to pull away, but Natsu tightened his grip. Lucy, after about twenty minutes fell asleep in his arms. When she woke up, a girl was standing above them with her arms crossed. Lucy looked over at Natsu, who was still asleep. He looked gorgeous, with the sun shining through the curtain, and landing on his face. He still held Lucy in his muscled arms.

"Natsu." Said the girl looking at them. "Natsu!" She yelled. He woke up startled. "Li- Lisanna!" Natsu bit his lip and let go of Lucy. Natsu, shirtless stood up, grabbed the girls' hand and walked out of the room. Lucy could hear faint yelling and screaming, then she heard the sound of a hand connecting with a face, and glass shattering.

Lucy, although she knew she shouldn't, walked out of the room and looked into the eyes of rage itself. She could understand why. She figured Lisanna was Natsu's girlfriend. Walking into your boyfriends apartment and finding him in bed with another girl.. "Natsu wasn't wearing anything but his boxers too.." she thought. "So what is she Natsu?!" Lisanna pointed at Lucy. "Some stripper? Some hoe? Is this your roommate?!" Natsu bit his lip, and didn't answer. "You can't keep your hands off a pretty girl can you? I know you slept with Juvia! You're an ass! Keep your nasty hands off my man you hoe!" With that the white haired girl walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Natsu looked at Lucy and groaned. "I don't know what the hell her problem is." He shook his head. "I mean it kind of looked.. wrong." Lucy rubbed her arm. "She has no right to get mad!" Natsu yelled in frustration. "Ugh!"

"Natsu.. I'm sorry I ki—" "it's fine. It's not like I'm dating anyone." Natsu inturrupted her. "Who was that then?" Lucy asked. "Lisanna? Lisanna and I broke up months ago. She keeps doing that. Ever since I broke up with her, she's been sneaking into my house a lot. I don't even know how she got our address. I'm sorry." Natsu shook his head. "I-it's okay. Umm.. I- I have to go to work. I'll see you later." Lucy said, and walked into her room.

"See you later.."

Hey guys. Been a long huh? Sorry that it's taken so long. To tell the truth I forgot about this story till last night. Dang 100 reads.. Let's try to keep going up. Anyways, hopefully you're still into this story, and that it didn't stuck. See ya later


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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