Summer Solstice

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You smiled as you woke up and rolling over you snuggled up to Ivankissing him lightly. You used to sleep in a single bed since it wasjust you and there was no reason for a bigger bed with Ivan stayingin the guest room when he visited but since admitting love to eachother you didn't think that it was really necessary, plus you enjoyedcuddling up to him and you knew he liked physical contact.

So you had gotten rid of your old bed, which in truth it was time toget a new one anyway, and bought a (double/queen/king) sized bed.When you visited him you had taken to sleeping in the same bed withhis arms wrapped tightly around you, keeping you safe and secure. Hehad done this as Sergio who complained of the cold, his hands hadfelt icy as well as the rest of his body. Ivan was different, hedidn't like the cold either, but he gave off such heat it was like hewas immune to it.

Ivan groaned, but did continue kissing you, making a little whimperand a pout as you pulled away. You giggled and kissed his nose makinghis face scrunch up, he absolutely hated his nose. You, on the otherhand, thought it was cute and suited his face.

"Come on Ivan, get up." You cooed pulling away so that hecouldn't quiet reach you. "It's the Summer Solstice~ the longestday of the year," you called and he just mumbled. Frowning from himstill being asleep you stood, it was cute how he reached out in yourdirection for you, and then you ripped the blanket off of him.

He didn't jump or start he just groaned, rubbing his eyes to freethem of the prison of sleep and sighed sitting up moving his scarfout of the way. "Sunflower, why?" He groaned and you giggled.

"You needed to get up and weren't for anything else. I could havedumped water on you~" you mused and he growled getting a purpleaura but you didn't even flinch instead staring at him waiting forhim to do something since you had no fear of him.

"Nyet, (No,) don't do that." He said and you nodded.

"Fine, I promise I won't unless there is an emergency and you won'tget up." You promised and he sighed at that but stood.

"It looks dark," he said moving the curtains out of the way.

"Yeah, well the sun hasn't come up quiet yet, it will in a fewmoments, your looking from the west though Ivan." You added in agiggle, "the opposite side is pink, yellow, red, orange and lightpurple." You added heading to the kitchen, "what are you in themood for for breakfast?" You called over your shoulder.

After breakfast and time for both of you to do your morning routineand clothing that was appropriate for 22nd of June weatheryou left the house. As your walking by you see a band playing a newsong in a (genre to dance to), one that would go perfectly withAtlantian, a dance that your people had created by mixing severalcountries dances, mostly (country/list of countries) and adding oneor two new things which it became its own entity.

"Dance with me," you asked Ivan tugging him to the dance floorand he reluctantly followed. You took your time with him since he hadonly been exposed to this dance a few times showing him each moveover and over each time going just slightly faster than the last.Once you two were able to do the dance at normal speed you stopped,the musicians stopped at the same time and and people started toapplaud, you both looked around not sure but then a little girl, nomore than five or six, came toddling up to Ivan holding a smallbouquet of a few flowers, their stems twisted together; there was arose, lily and daisy and though you couldn't see it the fragrance oflavender was also on the wind when she held it up to Ivan who lookedconfused.

"It is the flowers of Litha." You explained, "another name forthe Summer Solstice, it is given to people sometimes when accepted onthis day. My people have seen you and have chosen this day toformally accept you.

To say Ivan was shocked at this would be a massive understatement.However he smiled at the young child, gently patted her head and yousmiled taking his hand. Ivan held tightly to the flowers for the restof that day, and when you got home you gave him your favorite vase toput the flowers in. It was a multi fractional vase that dependingwhat kind of light, at what intensity and what angle it hit it atwould be a different color.

Walking along the festival grounds you gripped his hands and movedout of the way of another wedding party who were in the middle offastening the couple's hands. "Many weddings," Ivan remarked andyou nodded.

"Yes, today is the most common day for marriages, some people claimon the island about half of the people marry on this day alone, aboutnintey percent this month." You mentioned and though that surveyhad been done six years ago there wasn't any noticable change in thepractice of marriage so far.

"Why?" Ivan asked confused and you hummed.

"Several reasons, June is actually taken from the goddess Juno, orHera, and she was the goddess of marriage and child birth. Also onthis day is the saying of two different marriages, or the belief ofthem. Some say it was the son god, an oak king married the land,others say it is the air god Zephyer, who married the earth goddessTerra. Either way both claim the marriage happened on the SummerSolstice." You explained and smiled, "so the belief was if youmarried in June Hera will bless your marriage and if you marry on theday either the sun god or Zephyer married the earth goddess thecouple will also bless your marriage."

"So if I asked you to marry me, you'd want today to be thewedding?" He asked giving you bedroom eyes causing you to blush.Though he could act very childlike, he was pure man.

"Maybe, I'd like us to at least consider it being in June. But we'dhave to consider what you want." You flirted back, tugging him downby his scarf to kiss him.

By the time you headed back home to eat you decided on some borschtwith sour cream, cow tails and buckwheat porridge. You had developedquiet the taste for his cuisine. He enjoyed when you made Russianfare because there were subtle differences. You used crème freaicheinstead of sour cream and so the borscht had a slight taste ofsweetness to it, that and other little things, the least of which notbeing that you grew and raised the food in such a different claimantthan he did.

After eating you brewed some lemon balm tea and had candied gingerthe two of you would share to snack on and you took him to the cliffsoverlooking the reef of your island. There were plenty of people andthe two of you lounged on the grass, you sitting in his lap with yourback resting against his chest while he leaned back using his arms tosupport him. You would bring some of the candied ginger or the tea tohis lips as you waited for it to get fully dark.

Your scientists have been working on the new fireworks which was atradition. They did their best to always bring cleaner burning lesswasteful fireworks that were still brighter. And they did notdisappoint. Among the normal colors of light blue and lilac of yourflag, the silver and gold to represent the goddess and god, was newcolors. Red, white, and blue, to represent Russia. It was a politicalstatement of inclusion, offering Russia into the fold of what youwere.

You didn't know if Ivan understood it,you would tell him inexplicable terms sometime. But remembering the flowers on thenightstand on what you have come to think as his side of the bed,waiting in the vase, you think he understood.

Though Ivan had a lot of fun it had, for lack of a better term,tuckered you both out. You barely managed to shower and do yournightly routine before the two of you both practically collapsed ontothe bed and you were asleep before your head hit the pillow. Despitethat, you still ended up cuddled together.

I tried a fewnew things for this chapter that you will notice if you have readother pathways. I hope you liked it.

Sunflower; RussiaxChubby!NewCountry!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now