"Mystery Man"

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It all started in the swamps of Louisiana, Katie was on the bus and on her way home, with one of her new friends she had made, since she moved. When they got on the bus, there was a new guy..he wasn't cute, or good looking, he was just average. None of the girls were swooning over him. Which kinda caught Katie's eye since all the guys that Katie saw in the last month that she had been in Jonesboro had been taken by beautiful girls.
He was tall, black curly hair, he kinda had a tan but not really, he had a weird shaped head, which wasn't very flattering. Katie thought that she needed to know him but at the same time she was kinda scared of him, he looked like he had a background.
She couldn't help but stare at him, she saw some kinda of mystery in him that she needed to figure out.

Katie's P.O.V

I wasn't on the bus long before my stop was here, Riley and I got off the bus and Ironically the mystery man did too, I guess it was kinda coming since we were the last people left. I couldn't help it anymore I had to talk to him.

"Hey I'm Katie and this is Riley what is your name?" I said "umm Zach"
Ugh now it's awkward why did I have to say something, gosh. " Oh that's cool." I said "yeah sure I guess."
It was time to get off, and I waved at Riley since we lived a street down from each other, and smiled at Zach. Ended up that he lived literally right next to Riley. I couldn't help but think about his face and how I couldn't help but to want to know more about him without seeming like a freak.

I made it home from the about quarter mile walk from the bus stop. mom wasn't home yet she didn't get home till 5 on a good day. So I just did homework, and took a nap, until mom got home.


"Hey mom how was work?" I said
"Good honey, how about yours?"
"Oh it was good just long, I'm hungry whatcha cookin?" I said "well I'm tired to so why don't you just order a pizza and we can watch our shows. It is wedensday right? "Yeah mom it is and ok." I said

"Well that was yummy." I said
"Sure was, I'm ready for bed ill see you in the morning. good night I love you sweetie." "Love ya too mom , good night." I said I get in my room and change into my big T-shirt and shorts and crawl into my queen sized bed and fall asleep thinking about you know who....

Zach's P. O. V

Wow, she was beautiful, long dirty blonde hair, big hazel eyes. She got on with this girl Riley I had seen before In one of my classes. she was pretty but no where near the kind of pretty that this girl was, she had the kind of beauty where she didn't know how beautiful she really was, and Riley new she was pretty and acted a little to conceited, to be honest.
It wasn't very long till we were on my street, and that's when I found out her name.
"Hey I'm Katie and this is Riley, what's your name?" "umm Zach." Man why didn't I say anything else!!" " Oh that's cool." she said we got off and It ended up that Riley lived in the house next to me. Katie waved bye to Riley and she smiled at me! Why am I acting like such a girl?

Well I got home and my grandma and papa was home. So I just did some home work and hung out. Grandma made hamburgers and fries for dinner and we watched tv and I got tired so I went To my room and I took off my jeans and T-shirt and hopped into my comfy bed and fell asleep thinking about her again....

I hope you liked it I had fun writing it. Please vote and comment! Ill update as soon as I can. ❤❤


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