Part Twenty Two: Carrying out the plan

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MacMallian stands in Knockturn Alley with me, opposite me. "Are you nearly ready Lestrange?" "Yes," I sigh. I grab my wand out of my nearly knee-length black leather boots and take some deep breaths. I was wearing a long shirt which reaches my hips and some black frayed denim shorts.

"3.. 2.. 1... run," MacMallian says. I run quickly and fire some spells deliberately miss over my shoulders. A spell flies over my head when I duck and still run. Not much further and we were in Diagon Alley.. I honestly didn't trust MacMallians stamina too much. A spell flies along my ear and let my hair wave. Luckily, we were running through Diagon Alley now. 

When we reach people I got hold back by people in the streets. MacMallian laughs evilly and Dis-Apparates. I sit on the ground and watch the place where he had just stood. "Miss, are you alright," a bystander asks. It is a old woman.

"Hey, isn't she Hermione Granger, the one they are looking for," a young man asks next to her. "We will bring you to the Ministry, child. Come on grandson, lift that girl up," the elder lady commands her grandson. I feel strong arms who carry me and I feel the Apparation.

After that I hear gasps from all over the place and whispering voices. "HERMIONE," the all familiar voice of Warren rings through the Entrance Hall. The boy hands me over to Warren and he walks quickly off.

I recognise the Safety Ward and then, my appartment. He sets me down in the kitchen chair and whistles. Some Healers enter and begin to examine me while Warren asks me questions like 'where were you', 'with who were you' and 'what happened'.

I told him lies like they locked me up in a cell underground so that I couldn't see anything of my whereabouts. Just lies to protect my family, I try to think, to excuse myself. I had my Glamour charm on again.

But to be honest, it felt somehow strange.. I try to shake that off. After the examination and conclusion that nothing was wrong the Healers leave, just as Warren did.

I change into a black tank top and grey shorts. I brush my long dark brown hair. After that, I brush my teeth with spearmint toothpaste and go to bed. But I didn't sleep as good as I did in Malfoy Manor.

I had nightmares of my mother and father hurt. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco hurt. It was too painful to watch and I sit up in my bed. I curl up like a little ball and cry. Hard, loud and unstoppable.

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