Ticking Clock

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He he he, you know what's funny? It all started from speaking up. We went to court ,and we won. I don't think it counted though. The only thing that changed was a paper was signed that said he can't come near us, ever. It's just a paper, so it never calmed me down. Eventually he'll come balk.


Chapter 1: Blood Revenge

I scream at the top of my lungs, but nobody hears me. I kicked him in the lower areas and ran out the door. My mind was so hoped up on adrenaline the cold air stunned me. Which gave my father enough time to knock me to the ground. When I opened my eyes the black asphalt was in my face. My dad flipped me over he had a knife in his hand. He drove the knife in to my stomach. Than I heard a scream at my right. He went after the origin of cry. I must have lost a lot of blood because I say a boy in all green. He mouthed something I couldn't comprehend. 

Than dad comes and grabbed me by the arms and began to drag me away to a balk ally. He just sat there waiting for me to die. His eyes seemed to be crazed and heartless. His true look. Just as I was sinking in to the black casum people call death. A burst of adrenaline flows through my body causing me to try to kick him. As much a surprise as it was for me it was to him.he flow back agents a building. He in the processes dropped the knife. I ran at him grabbed the handle at the same time and jabbed it into his chest. I held it there until I though I saw his nonexistent soul in his eyes. He went limp and let him fall to he ground eyes still open with that blood thirsty look in its eyes. I looked at the knife in my hand. It shook uncontrollably until the knife fell out of my hand. I began to turn away when it grabbed my ankle and stayed "I will get you ,rat". I screamed my though trail shrouded I fear. I stomped on his head as hard as I could. As soon as his hand left my ankle.

 I ran, following my trail of blood. I than noticed the sharp pain were the stage wound is. I come to the Steven's house where Mrs. Stevens was lying on the carpet surrounded by her own blood. Her eyes were staring straight forward in fear. I took my hand and closed them.

"Sleep in peace"

I saw Max he was on the staircase barely breathing. I ran over to him and tried to pick him up. He told me to go get help but I've seen to many love story's to now that as soon as I get help it will be to late.

I begin to pick him up bridal style since he is to weak to fight balk. I put his arm over my neck. The hospital is only a few blocks away,but I now by how much we are bleeding that it will take a while to get there and anything could happen. It took tireless work but I got there soon enough they took him onto the emergency room.they kept telling me that I needed regent care, but by my nature I could not rest easy if I fell asleep while a friend needed me. So I told them they couldn't operate on me until they now for sure he will live.

Eventually they said he will live. The doctor told me I needed to be put  into urgent care immediately. I was to drowsy to fight balk so they took me into a room and put me under anesthesia. Slowly I floated away but I thought it was because I'd was dying so I flipped out but the doctor whose said it was just the anesthesia. So I calmed down and let the anesthesia do its job.

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