Sooo yeah. I don't know but if you saw... Pfft. XD the 135 kgs. Thingy in chapter 4. It's 139 kgs. !! Just who the hell in the world would lost 5 kgs. In a day? In a second thought I assumed Kgs. Was pounds. Stupid me. Soooo yeah. Bear with author 'kay? I'll do better next time *still bowing repeatedly* And on chapter 6 :3 I don't think that my phone is 'that workin' coz I literally attach two pics. As it said on the story but it ain't showing up. Though I'm editing it, it ain't work ya know. So pleeease bear with me 'kay? It's the plot not the accessories lol xD Soo yeah thankyou for reading this effin note . :D Byieeee