The city of New York|chapter 1

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This is where the plague started, food ran out of stock and those... Beings, continued to slaughter the innocent. They do not eat, they kill. I walk around the empty streets of New York trying not to die out of hunger or starvation, my gas mask covering my face to avoid the disgusting smell that reeks of marijuanas and dead animals.

Welcome to my world. The apocalypse has just begun.

I tilt my head to the side giving my full attention into a small building between two other taller buildings. I walked closer and looked up squinted my eyes to read the sign that says 'Candy store' I looked at the shattered glass door in front of me, another sign hanging that said 'closed'.

I open the door to find it locked, luckily it was glass so I picked up a medium sized rock and smashed it into the glass door, unlocking it from inside and entering the store. I took off my mask and breathe the air but ended up almost choking myself so I put it back on, I held my hood down and wiped the sweat that was dripping on my forehead.

I started searching for any sign of edible food for me to consume so I can continue my search for unexpected survivors. I need all the help I can get before I start looking for a helicopter to leave the city.

I found one piece of chocolate bar in one aisle, I grabbed it and thought to myself 'it's been awhile since I had one of these' I teared open the plastic that was covering the chocolate inside and took a small bite. "ERGH!" I spit it out quick when the bitter taste touched my tongue, great... It's expired...

I threw the chocolate bar on the ground and continued to search just in case, I went to the cashier table and opened the cash register only to find $1,350 in it, 'what am I gonna do with this? It's the apocalypse, this is useless to me now...' I thought as I furiously shut the cash register and whispering "shit.." under my breathe. I bent down to check the drawers of the table but... nothing...

I checked the whole store but no drink or food for me to consume so I walked out feeling hungry and depressed. I kept my determination in place and started to walk away looking for more things that might be valuable for me to use, I turned to an empty alley but kept walking, ignoring the quiet aurora that was soon going to make my ears bleed.

I need hear a noise...

Then out of no where I heard a loud thud of metal, it's like God answered my prayers, but instead of being thankful, a huge weight of dread consumed my body. Curiosity took over my mind as I walked backwards going to the alley I walked past. Suddenly I heard the sounds of plastic inside a metal trash bin.

I slowly approached the bin to investigate the mysterious sounds inside it, I held my hand up high and smacked the metal covers making a loud noise, after that the plastic sounds were gone.

I backed away slowly grabbing the axe on the floor and getting ready for a fight with the unknown. The covers slowly opened as I gripped harder into the wooden handle of the axe I was holding. I gritted my teeth preparing for the worst that could happen but no...

There she was...

A little girl shaking and cowering in fear as she peeked from inside the bin, I lessened my grip and walked forward to approach her "Who are you?" I asked harshly as she flinches at my deep voice. Tears streamed down her cheeks as I heard her say "please don't kill me...".

I dropped the axe I was holding and looked at the little girl inside the metal trash bin. I sighed in relief and lifted her out making her stumble when her feet reached the ground, "what's your name?" Being more careful this time, she looked up at me with her face covered with dirt.

"Rosèlita, Rosèlita thrones..." she whispered, looking down on the ground avoiding my glaze, I nod my head slowly as I walked away leaving her there in the alley. I felt a small tug in my arm when I saw her shaking and struggling to breathe "please don't leave me."

I laughed at her and bent down on her level "little girl I can not stay with you in that dirty alley. I have business to attend to" she looked at me like I was crazy and replied "you are going to work on a time like this?" I laughed louder and looked at her "no, it means I have something more important to do than stay in that alley of yours".

"The alley is not mine..." she paused for a moment "Then let me come with you, I don't wanna die there alone" she said as her eyes watered, I thought for a moment then hesitated "little girl what I'm about to do is really dangerous-" "it's more dangerous if I choose to survive alone.." she cut me off as I think again.

"Fine, but you have to do everything I say" her frown then turned into a smile as she held my hand while walking into another part of the city.

'One down... A lot more to go...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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