3 hours later

43 2 1

He sat in his room sobbing. He hated this he hated how he was forced to stay here. Why him? Why was the world so cruel? His thoughts drifted back to Iceland. He felt his stomach flutter he felt good around him. He has been hiding it for awhile he looked at the necklace Iceland gave him. A dog tag. That had 'bros forever' written on it. Maybe he will get to see him again. Maybe just maybe there is hope at the end of this rainbow.

He wiped away his tears and got up. He walked downstairs and walked up to the brit sipping on his noon tea.

"Can I make a phone call please?" the teen asked.

"I suppose you may." The boy ran to the phone and dialed the Icelandic's number

Phone convo


"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I um... I ... Kind of h-have a ...uh .... Boner."

"Dude no homo. "

"Right no homo."

End of convo

He bit his lip as he put the phone on the receiver.

"Im going to turn in for the night." he trudged up the stairs trying his best to hold back tears. He felt like a idiot.

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