Falling in Reverse

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Falling in Reverse


I’m not quite sure what was running through my head the day I walked down the well-worn path to the docks. It was a path I had travelled on many times in the past twenty-two years. Summers had been spent here lounging on the docks, fishing trips with my granddad, beers with friends. I’d had my first kiss here; it had been here where I first told Jamie that I loved her.

I don’t know if it was all in my head or whether there was something very real in the way the wind flowed around me or the way the sound of the waves slapping up against the shore resonated inside my head but something felt different.

My feet carried me down the chiseled steps that were cut into the rock and the further I walked the more I felt it. My heart thumping away inside my chest and anticipation filled the air, flowing through every vein and every artery inside my body. It was as I rounded the final corner and stepped out onto the worn timber of the dock that I saw her. Standing against the railing, her hair fanning out in the back as the wind caressed it, it suddenly hit me. Home. She was here. I was here. We were finally home.


A/N: Hey guys this is my first story. I had an idea kicking around my head but this was deffinitely not it, but hey, I guess thats writing :) I'm terrible at punctuation and the time that I usually write is 4:30am so go easy on me. Btw the title Falling in Reverse has nothing to do with the band I just thought it fit with Jamie and Aarons situation. This story was inspired by two things: the movie 'A walk to remember' and the fanfiction story 'Falling in Love with a Girl' which is where the characters names come from. Jamie from AWTR and Aaron from Girl, both are good so I reccomend watching/reading, although fair warning, AWTR is freaking sad!

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