Chapter One: Boy meets Girl

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Chapter One: Boys meets Girl


I was six years old when I first met Jamie. It was the first day of summer and coincidentally the first day of soccer try-outs. I had turned up at the pitch at 8:00am sharp with my parents in tow and there she was, sitting on the bench lacing up ten year old, gone-through-three-brothers, hand me down boots that had clearly seen their better days five years back. Right there and then I knew we were destined to be friends. Around the town I was known as what you could call, a bit of a troublemaker and what Jamie was about to do was most definitely going to cause some kind of trouble. Given the size of our town there were only two soccer teams: Juniors and seniors, and neither had room for girls. Despite the fact that it was 1995 and as city folk would say, times were a changing, the grownups in Sleepyside hadn’t quite moved past the 1950’s and girls were most definitely NOT meant to play soccer… Or any sport for that matter.

At 8:05am on the dot old coach Taylor stepped out of the small office that was tacked onto the end of the rec center with his coffee and whistle in hand and started off towards us. He hadn’t even made it five paces before he stopped dead in his tracks and the furrow in his brow deepened even more. He’d seen Jamie.

You had to hand it to her; she didn’t even flinch under the harsh glare he was directing straight at her. Standing there with her back ramrod straight and her chin jutting out in defiance Jamie Hallowfield did one thing no other person in the town had ever done: Challenged Taylor. After what seemed like eternity the coach lowered his gaze breaking off their staring contest to pick up the bag of balls and cones before marching off onto the pitch. Not two minutes later Jamie picked up her shin guards and parker with a satisfied grin and followed the coach out onto the field with the rest of us in tow.   


A/N: I have one more chapter saved up before I'm going to need to sit down and beg my muse to co-operate and let me write. I have nothing really planned out, this story kind of just took me by surprise so yeah I'm thinking of alternating perspectives per chapter so that might happen but any flashbacks will be from Jamies p.o.v... Well most likely. Check out my external link, thats where I'll be bitching about my writing and/or appologising for the lack of.. Most likely because I'm too busy reading :)

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