How you met

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(N/N) = Nickname

(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your last name

Harry Potter:

Finally I found the person I was looking for, Cedric. My brother was talking to some raven haired boy, I suspected to be one of his friends who I've never met before. I ran towards the two as quick as I could, dodging Ced's admirers, which were literally everywhere. When I finally reached him without injuring anyone, I hit him around the head.

"What do you think your doing, you stupid boy!" Cedric turned around holding his head. "Woah, you sounded exactly like mum. (or mom but I'm British)" I glared at him as he dodged the question.

"Answer the question, now!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry (N/N), I don't know what you're talking about." he answered which made me glare at him more.

"You do know! You entered the Tournament! You could die, Ced!" I bellowed, locking my eyes with his.

"Yeah, I know, but Harry here," he said pointing to the raven haired boy from beforehand, "will save me, right Harry?" He stated turning his head to look at him. I looked as well and slowly sunk behind Cedric.

"Yea, and hello, I'm Harry." He nodded at me, sticking his hand out. I took it silently becoming more confident, "(Y/N) Diggory, nice to meet you!" I said pushing my anger at Ced aside.

Ron Weasley:

My nose in a book, I strode down the abandoned hallway when I heard a couple of shouts coming from a nearby class room.

"Hermione, please! You know I won't pass without your help!" The voice sounded extremely desperate. Whoever this person was, must have been extremely bad at whatever lesson they wanted help with. I heard a exhausted sigh come from someone with a more feminine tone of voice as they replied a second later, "Ronald, please. You have to do it yourself or you won't get anywhere!" I peeked around the door; in the corner of the room was a girl with bushy brown hair and a ginger boy. I knocked on the door politely before entering. Two pairs of eyes landed on top of me.

I smiled awkwardly as I scooted towards them, "I er, heard you two "talking" and wondered if I can help in anyway." The girl smiled back at me and spoke softly, "No, it's ok (Y/N)." I was surprised that she knew my name and gave her an inquisitive look.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. Hermione was about to answer when the other soul in the room spoke.

"You've got to be bloody joking. (Y/N), everyone knows you," This was a big shock for me, I tried to take in the information as he carried on, "People talk about you. Not in a bad way. Just like your hot and all..." I became more awkward then I actually was at the sudden compliment but before I could say anything to make it more awkward, he said "Anyway, my names Ron." I shook his hand gently and smiled.

Draco Malfoy:

Being my quiet self, I gently placed one foot in front of another, clutching onto my books and looking at the floor. Out of no where I saw another pair of feet heading straight towards me. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to move out of the way so I embraced myself for the impact of the cold, marble floor. As the incident came I noticed eye-catching platinum blonde hair and striking blue eyes. I knew who he was - everyone did. He was the one and only Draco Malfoy. I saw him around school every where acting like a prat towards Harry, Ron and Hermione. This, honestly, made me disgusted. All I saw him do was go around sticking his nose in the air like he was the boss of everybody. Whilst thinking this I realised that I couldn't feel the coolness of the ground, better yet no injuries had come my way. I cautiously opened my eyes, only to be inches away from the infamous Draco Malfoy. Surprisingly, I didn't see any speck of disgust in his eyes, there was only worry.

"Are you alright?" He asked, making my mouth drop ever so slightly.

"Y-yes, I'm fine... My names (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You don't need to tell me your name, I already know it. I think the whole school does.." I stuttered, rambling on. His mouth twitched slightly, the corners turning up. Soon after, he let go of me once I had my balance and staggered off. That was the first time I encountered Draco Malfoy and it definitely wouldn't be the last since the little death eater has taken a liking to me, of course I didn't know it then.

Blaise Zabini:

It was like a routine, at least twice a week some of my parents 'friends' came to visit. Honestly, I hated it. You could tell everyone was being fake and would easily choose betrayal if put under any kind of dangerous circumstances.

A house elf stumbled into my room, holding a serpent green dress. I sighed loudly and clambered out of my bed, snatching the dress form the frightened house elf before shuffling into the bathroom.

I came out a while later, deciding that if it was the Malfoy's again, I would just walk out. I made it to the top of the stairs and looked down at the new guests. A boy, around my age, looked up at me and smirked; I returned the favour. My mother called me to come down and talk to the guests, which I did shortly after. The boy was just smirking at me the entire time,
so I decided to go and speak to him. I got up slowly and glided in his direction.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you seem to have some problem with your face, it doesn't make any other expression." I spoke. He stared at me, the corners of his mouth rising even more before saying, "Blaise Zabini, yes, I do have a problem with my face but that's not it. My face is just way too irresistible. People fall at my feet daily." I chucked before reaching out my hand, offering a handshake. He accepted it.

Oliver Wood:

It was my first time at platform 9 3/4 and you couldn't believe how excited I was. Finally, I would get away from my parents pressuring me into becoming one of the best Quidditch women alive. I hopped onto the train as quick as I could, scurrying down it to find an empty compartment. I searched the whole of the train and found out all the compartments were full except for one which had a couple of people in. I stepped into the compartment confidently before giving everyone a goofy grin, "Hello, I'm (Y/N), do you mind  me sitting here, everywhere else is full." A smallish girl smiled back then pulled me to the seat next to her, "I'm Katie Bell, What house do you want to be in? If I'm not in Gryffindor I'll think I'll die." I chuckled slightly before replying, "Same as me, both of my parents were in Gryffindor." Katie and I rambled on until a boy about our age walked in and asked for a seat. 

"Oh, er, yea." I said. The boy then made eye contact with me; stook his hand out and said "My names Oliver Woo-ahhhh you look like a good Quidditch player close up." My cheeks tuned red as I said Thank you; stated my name and had a extremely long conversation with him about Quidditch.

Neville Longbotton:

It was my first year at Hogwarts and I was currently heading towards Herbology with the Gryffindors. However, not matter how much I wanted to stay away from attention the clumsy side of me just happened to show and I tripped over a nearby root, making me hit the ground. A huge amount of laughter started up from behind me as I carefully stood up and wiped all the mud from my uniform. I turned my head slightly, only to find out that it was Malfoy and his gang in hysterics because of me. I huffed and walked away. Luckily Malfoy wasn't in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff so I didn't have to embarrassment of having 2 hours of him tormenting me.

When I reached the greenhouse without any more falls, I quietly shrunk to the back of the class only to bump into someone. He and I made a terribly awkward eye contact. I started giggling slightly making him wear a giant smile. We exchanged names and became less awkward with each other.

Lmao, I have like two more to do but I cbaaaa ngl. So like i'll update this with George and Cedric later. Also I didn't do Fred bc yanno, I'm an emotional child so stuff like that gets me everytimee.

- Tabby

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