Part one

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Ballet? ✔️

Jazz? ✔️

Hip- Hop? ✔️

"Give me a break, It seems that I've learnt everything." I groaned.


"Hello?" I answered lazily.

"Hey Coleen, it's me Jade, guess what!" The girl from the other line snapped.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"I've got the tickets, and I was hoping if you could come with me." She said.

"Tickets?!? You mean.....EXO tickets?" I fan-girled.

"Will you--" before she could even finish her sentence I cutted her.

"Yes! I'll come with you!" Can you imagine it! Being in an Exo concert!

"Great, meet me tomorrow at 5pm." I could sense her grinning.

"Sure." I answered.


"Bye." We both bid our goodbyes, then ended the phone call.


"Mom, remember when I told you about the Exo concert tomorrow?" I Shouted.

"Yeah, wait-- did you buy tickets already?" She asked.

"I didn't buy, but Jade asked me if I could come with her, so can I?" I grinned.

"Why not, I'll tell Tessa and Marie to clean the car for you, you better get ready." She said.

"Sure mom!" I can't believe it, I'm gonna see Exo in person. Like a Meet and Greet!......Eeeeekkk, I'm fan- girling.

As I ran upstairs I threw the door open and let it close by itself. I ran through my closet and threw some skinny jeans, plaid white T-shirt and a wolf hoodie with 'WOLF 88' on the back, then I hung it at the ramp.

I laid down my bed then, unlocked my phone, I opened twitter and saw 50 more followers. I saw some of my friends posted.

"@Jade_ExoStan and @ImMsEatingMachine are so lucky, GOOD LUCK with Exo okay!!".

I never really open my twitter but I like socializing and talking to strangers, in a friendly way of course. But having like 400 followers a week, would be good.

"It's getting late." I thought.

I yawed as I logged out of twitter. And slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up then threw the thick blanket then did my morning routine. Stretching, eat breakfast,then take a shower. Of course I won't use the clothes I prepared last night, I picked up a V-neck t-shirt, and a suspender short, I paired it up with ankle boots.

I bid my mom goodbye since I still have dancing class today. I didn't hesitate on using the car so I just took the bus. By the time I got to the place I'm going, I saw some girls crowding in front of me. I didn't even tried to look who it is and went over to one side then did some stretches.Since our dance theme today was 'Ballet', I did some splits and turns. After thirty minutes of practicing, the Noise of the Fan-Girls stopped.

"Coleen!" Our trainer called.

"Yes sir!" I walked towards him, he seem to be talking to someone, probably it's a guy but I can't see his face so I wouldn't know.

"Kai,meet Coleen, she's the senior of the class, HyoHyun, meet Kai, I know you already knew him cause I always see you with your friend fan-girl about exo." Our trainer introduced.

New trainee... ~LuHan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now