Part 3 a little bit of past and story

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"But slendy!!!!" I whine "YOU STABBED ME!!!!!" Yells jane. I start to cry and slendy tells me to go to my room and not to see jeff for a week. I run to  my room and almost run into mary and ej kissingi push them away as i run and knock toby over and fall onto him i get up and run the rest of the way to my room and lock it. My room is empty. Almost as empty as my old house. I rock back and forth  starting remember my past.

*flash back /dream*

Im running out of time before another reset.Wait WHAT!! Reset i dont understand i look down to see a scarf blood and a white and blue jacket and shirt. I feel a butning in my eye. Then it goes bpack. *wakes up in flash back* Gahh!!! "What the heck was that!!" Puts a hand on my chest and heart. It ....hurts.... feels some cloth on my neck. Its a torn red scarf.

*end of flash back*

Hears knocking on the door and i get up to see who knocked. It was slender he sayed i could go see him.i told him i just needs some alone time. He aggreed ad left and closed the door. I feel the birning in my eye again get up and look at my eye in the mirror to see it having a blue flame on it and the other black. My pjs already changed to a white tea-shirt and a blue jacket whit mostly black but a stripe of white  on them i snap ro see if anything happens and bones form around me i snap again and they disapear i snap and throgh and the boones hit the wall. Then all goes black.

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