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For the second time in her life,the dark crimson eyes of the Volturi terrified Edythe Cullen. They didn't even justify themselves,simply stood there,smirking with deep menace at Jane and Edythe. Their numbers were far greater than they had been the last time they came to the Cullen doorstep,and the Clan had no chance of survival. But they fought,fought harder than they ever had and ever would. Jacob was the first to die,charging for the Volturi King as he charged as well. Aro crushed his bones and ripped out his heart.

Renesmee tumbled backwards,gripping her own heart and sobbing. Emmett was the second to die,charging at Aro as well and having Caius rip his head off from behind. Rosalie roared with an anger so terrible,that she charged and she was the next to die,but she put up a hell of a fight,and took Caius down with her,ripping off his head before a Volturi guard ripped off hers. Esme,Carlisle,and Edward charged next. And Edythe fell to the ground sobbing as her father's head and arms were ripped from his body. Her mother was in such a blind fit of rage,she attacked and died just as quickly. The wolves attacked all at once,and it took time,but they were all slaughtered as well,save for Patrick who stay at Renesmee's side.

The Denali charged,they died. Jasper and Alice charged,they died. The three Volturi Gaurd charged,they died. Everyone was dead. Renesmee,Patrick,Edythe,and Jane stood among the dead bodies of there family and the two half humans cried rivers down their place cheeks. A few of the Gaurd charged and took out Jane,and Edythe gasped and cried so much deeper than she ever had before. She should have fallen in love quicker,should have kissed her longer,should have told her those three simple words that she felt so deeply but could never get the courage to say.

Patrick died next,protecting Renesmee from the foul grip of Aro. And Renesmee was the last to die before they turned to Edythe. All they had to do was smash her head in,and she was dead. The two lasting Volturi Kings stood to Edythe's left and right side,Aro smiling menacingly down at her. The long haired man with the terrible red eyes pulled her into his arms. But he did not kill her. He restrained her as they burned all of the dead bodies,and she cried and cried and she struggled so hard she could not breathe.

And then they let her go,dropped her to the ground and burned her home down. All Edythe could do was stare as her beautiful glass home,made by her beloved grandmother,burned to ashes. No one called the police,no one questioned why there was so much fire. Jack and Naomi came to see how she was doing a few days later,only to find her cowering in the ashes.

They took her to Naomi's house and cleaned her up,dressing her in some of Naomi's clothes. The press told the story of Edythe burning her home to the ground and everyone in it,and then escaping far away. They found her "dead body" at the bottom of the tallest bridge in Forks,and they planned to burn it,only to find it missing on the scheduled day. They blamed the man working that night,and he was sent to jail for stealing a dead body that the police could never find.

No one saw Edythe again,though Harvie, who's mother had decided to keep them home, thought he saw a glimpse of bronze hair outside his window weeks later. And when Jack and Naomi got married,they thought they saw a glimpse of bronze hair disappearing behind a door. And when Harvie got married to Anastasia Blake,he thought he saw a young girl with bronze hair in a hooded cloak,only for him to look away and back again and see her nowhere to be found.

And when Harvie was dying of old age,the last thing he saw was the face of a girl he'd loved for so long,and in his last moments his gravity finally shifted,and he imprinted on the girl who still hadn't changed from their time as teenagers. And truly,Harvie Clearwater was the last person to see Edythe Cullen,and know that face,and the final words he spoke were to her,telling her that he still loved her. Months after the death of Harvie Clearwater,the body of a young girl was found in a fire,burned so badly she was unrecognizable. And no one truly ever saw the face of Edythe again.

note | And now it has ended. Edythe Cullen's story is over,and this book has come to a final end. Good bye,and thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this book,this is the first book I've ever finished and I hope you all love it as much as I have.

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