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I stood tall, my shoulders back, gun aiming at my target. I have trained my whole life for this. I inhaled, focused and as I released my breath slowly, I shot.

I went deaf over the loud bang. I hit the Bullseye. I grinned as I heard the low claps from every man in the army. I would be the first women as a warrior, ever since I was little I was trained as hard as the guys, I didn't get any special treatment. I got my ass handed to me as much as they did.

I would be the first female to lead a group of wolves into battle, and I would be damned if I failed them.

"Amelia, your new head warrior!" I heard our old leader say. I smiled to my dad as everyone cheered, they all beileved in me, and I would not let them down.

"I promise you all we will win this war, we all will come home safely, and we will lavish in it" I told them all in a booming voice. Once again they cheered as did everyone else in ny pack.

"Amelia will lead you guys into battle this Saturday, if anyone doubts her you may now speak" My dad, the alpha, yelled to the pack. One guy from the arny stepped out.

"I refuse to be lead into a war with a weak, pathetic woman" he said, his face holding nothing but disgust towards me.

"Are you challeging me?" I asked walking towards him. I could take him out easily. I studied his body and his movements. He was tall, steong built yet he was slow. I could use that against him. I am fast, I could dodge quuckly and he will get tired quickly.

"Yes I am, no wolves or no weapons, just hand on hand combat" I nodded as everyone made a circle so neither of us could escape.

I would prove myself by taking out one of the strongest males here.

He swung first but it was to slow, I dodged it easily as I predicted. I slammed my fist into his ribs, earning a sickening crack sound. I watched his movments again, as he swung his feet were positioned badly, so in mid-swing I landed a swift, hard kick to the side of his knees, causing him to fall. I took his head slamming it in to my knee, covering my black leather pants in blood from his nose that was most definetly broken.

His groan was loud as I slammed my foot into his throat causing him to fall into a submissive position.

"Submit!" I growled out causing him to flop his head to the left, his neck exposed in submission.

Everyone cheered, there was no more doubt. I would lead my pack in to the hell we call war and we would win.

I would ve the new leader, and the pack will be the first to have a female leader

I went home and took a hot, long shower. I relaxed as I washed my body and hair. I was happy that I had become what I had always dreamed to be. I just had to make sure I didn't let my pack down.

That night I stayed up coming up with a plan for our attack. We would wait patiently for Alpha Adien; we all knew he was coming for our pack.

He was the new king of Alphas at the age of 26, all he wanted was power; and was an alpha who never gave up.

What he didn't know is that I Ameila Marks. Was waiting for him. He also didn't know that a pack lead by a female would take him down, but I did.

Yet what I didn't know is that he was a lot more prepared for what was about to happen the I ever would be, and that it would be the death of me, quite literally.

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