Chapter 30 Does He Know?

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This chapter is dedicated to abbyrrocks for her amazing idea

CHAPTER 30 Does He Know?

I couldn't stop the tears falling of my eyes. My heart ached seeing that sorrowful scene. Sobs escaped from my mouth as I continued watching that scene.

"Stop crying. It is just a movie. " Harry scoffed.

"But it's so sad." My voice cracked.

We were watching Titanic whilst I was waiting for Mac's call so we could hang out.

"You're just over reacting. You've watched this movie for what, tenth time? You know exactly what will happen next. Yet you still cry like a weepy kid. " Harry scoffed.

"Who wouldn't cry when Jack dies? " Imuttered rubbing my nose.

"I wouldn't"

"Oh please you cried when we first watched this movie. " I rolled my eyes at him.

"But you cry every single time you watch this movie. " He stated.

"Who wouldn't cry? If you die wouldn't I cry or your fans cry? " I questioned.

Even the thought of Harry not being with me or dying makes me wanna cry. Shiver run down by body as the thought of Harry and I not being together comes into my mind. More tears start to fall at that stupid thought.

Harry leans forward and brings his soft lips near to mine. Startled by his action, my eyes widen. Thinking Harry would kiss me I close my eyes but instead I feel a soft lips press against my skin just below my eyes. He then kisses the other side. I slowly opened my eyes and found Harry's lips moving closer to mine. And in no time those heavenly lips were pressed against mine making my mind go wild with pure bliss. Our pleasurous kiss kept on deepening but a annoying tone coming out from my phone which was on the coffee table caused us to pull away.

Harry groaned in annoyence causing me to chuckle. I move ahead and grab my phone from the coffee table. Before picking up the phone, I checked the caller's ID and it was Mac. Harry peered at my phone from my side.

"Great " He muttered, hint of anger in his voice.

"Hey" Mac spoke when I brought the phone to my ears.

"Hi" I said.

"My interview is over now. Text me your address and I'll pick you up there. " He said.

"Okay " I turned to look at Harry who was rolling his eye, surely pissed off.

"K bye" Then the line went dead.

I stood from the sofa and cleared my throat to get Harry 's attention who was staring at the floor. He raised his head and his eyes caught mine.

"Do I need to change? " I asked incase I was looking dull or something.

"Do whatever you want to do. " Pissed Harry stated.

"Harry he's just a friend whom I'm meeting after so many years. Please don't make it hard for me. " I said.

"Fine" He muttered bluntly.

"Harry!! "

"Fine. Just go change now. I'm finally getting a weekend off and instead of spending it with me, you are off to meet some friend of yours which I sure fancies you. And from tomorrow you and I both will be busy. We won't get time to see each other much and yet you are going with that Macy of yours. " He stated.

"If we both try we could work everything out. And it's only one lunch. Plus he doesn't fancy me. He's just friendly. Even if he does, I don't. " I assured him.

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