We, again!

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Dear girls, do not send the boys who bother more than normal (we know we are annoying but what to do). Even if your last nerves break up, continue to smile and nod, as if listening to them. I mean, everyone is tedious, even people who do not talk much. We all want to have someone on the other side that we know will listen and tell us our opinion, not just "aha ... aha .... aha". Let me know, I just advised you to do just that, but did you think the boys might be desperate that the boys sometimes need attention ... Even if you are not with a boy, it also He wants little attention, yet he is also a man. I do not want to offend any girl who reads this (I do not even know who reads it), but you have to know that the boys want to pay attention to them as well. Sometimes we are lonely, but we do not want to show it and load that we're closing in, do not wonder why ... there are other reasons that we close, for example, that so many people have betrayed us and we no longer have Trust almost nobody ... You may be the girl we share the most, and you even do not notice this! I hope this has helped you or at least what I have tried to say you have understood at least a bit! Send comments and give advice, opinions and topics for the next chapters (I think it's called)! ❤❤👌💪👀👂👏✌👌

Questions and Answers with Goshजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें