My Trip To The Underworld

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Invisible girl: hey dude what's up

Gothicafreak: only the best thing ever the new "The Forgotten Brother' is out and guess who has it.

Invisible girl: oh my gosh Kyle I can't believe it, type me it. Wait be right back I got to go tell my mom something

Gothicafreak: okay

Invisible girl: I'm back

Gothicafreak: what did you have to do?

Invisible girl: well I was going to tell my parents my grades but all their attention was on the baby as always. I bet if I disappeared they probably wouldn't even notice.

Look, I don't want to talk about, just go on with the book.

Gothicafreak: The three brothers drew their straws, Zeus with the longest got control over all the sky, Poseidon the sea and Hades the underworld. "That's not fair," he

yelled "I'm just as important as the both of you too" His words were lost and seized by the air; his brothers had already started.......

My eyes became blurry and all I could remember was feeling my eyelids shut.

When I came to, my surrounding was a dark mist. There was a sense of despair hanging above me, something wasn't quite right. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the

light which there was none of by the way. I heard a sound of movement somewhere just about a foot away from me, then I saw him; the stranger.

He looked mysterious dangerous and very powerful. He was tall and let me not lie to you, dude was cute. There was a bad boy vibe coming from him and it scared me.

"Hello, so I see someone has finally come to keep me company in this wretched place, took you long enough, "the stranger said

I started moving backwards searching for an escape.

"Do you know who I am, "he asked

"No ... Well I think... wait that can't be right... You're not real, "I stammered

"Ahh the whole sweeping under the rug movement, I should be used to that. No one has ever known what to do with me so they just pretended I was never there. Tsk

Tsk , you see that won't happen here, this is my world and though it may not be much I have dominion over every little thing around here," he turned , pointing around the

room then finally came to face me ,"and that means you"

"Look I don't know who you are or even where I am, so can you please let me out of here .I have a life to live and it may not be the best one right now but I'd really like to

get back in it. I don't plan on spending all eternity with a psychopathic dude who believes he's Hades."

"So you do admit that I'm Hades" as he said this, lights began to turn on all around the room (at least that's what I thought they were) and revealed a terrible sight.

Creatures of all sorts came to my attention and slowly but surely, the minions and their master started to head towards me. It was a lot for me to process and I didn't

know what to make of this situation that I had found myself in, so I did what any normal teenager would do I cried ,screamed and begged for my life."Please, don't kill

me I have a long life to live. What have I done? My parents will be worried sick and I have a new baby brother at home..."

It seemed to have worked because they stopped in their tracks and I saw a glint of shame in Hade's eyes.

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