Chapter Two: Nice to meet you, I'm Bria

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     "Girls ages 12-15 come to the living room!" Miss Boomershine yelled up the stairs at 8am. This means someone must be here to adopt.
     I got dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans then walked downstairs. I saw Mavis and the other 3 girls on the couch waiting to be called for an interview with the New potential parents. We all shared the same look of hope. Hope for good parents to take us away from here and to give us the lives we have imagined. Well except Mavis of course. She was staring intently at her phone that was perched in her hands. The demons gave it to her because she's their favorite. She's the only one here with a phone. Sure, I have my laptop that my "dad" gave me, but that was shipped to me and didn't have a return address. Otherwise, it would've been shipped back.
     One by one, in youngest to oldest order, we got called in by Miss Pillsberry to be interviewed by the potential parents. I go after Mavis because I'm older than her by a day. My birthday happens to also be on Christmas day and Mavis hates me for it. She says it makes me more special apparently. I honestly would rather have my birthday on a normal day.
     Mavis soon walked out and sat down, immediately getting straight on her phone. It was finally my turn. I got up and walked into the office. The new couple looked extremely nice and inviting.
    "Hello Darling, I'm Alex and this is my wife Amber," the man said pointing to himself and the woman next to him.
     "Nice to meet you, I'm Bria," I replied with a bright smile. I took a seat in the chair across from the two they were seated in.
    They asked me questions about what I liked, my personality, and if I could be able to adjust to a new home. They seemed to fit the impression I got when I walked in. They were really nice.
    When they were done asking questions, they looked at each other and whispered for a few moments.
    "Bria, would you like to be out adopted daughter?" Alex asked with a bright, optimistic smile.
    "Really?! You want to adopt me?" I lit up.
    "Yes! Of course!" Alex and Amber said in unison.
     "I would love to be your adopted daughter, thank you so much!" I smiled happily.
     "May we have the adoption papers?" Alex asked Miss Pillsberry. They filled out and signed the papers and within an hour I was on my way to my new, and hopefully permanent, home.

Do you think Bria will like her new home?

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I know it's been a long time since I have updated, but that changes today. There will be a new update every Wednesday and Saturday!


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