I'm notcha sun

87 2 9

I invited aph over to share the bread stix. There was only one left. She took a minute to think so I snatched it before she could.

Aph: HEY
y: he who hesitates, disintegrates *does finger guns*
A+ to whoever gets that reference
Aph: rude
Y: ha you have no idea
Aph: hmph
Y: if you're going to be like that I guess I can't let you have any of my cupcakes
Aph: bread stix what bread stix
Y: that's what I thought anyways I'm satisfied
V: *popping out of ceiling tile* he will never be satisfied
Y: I will never be satisfied *more finger guns*
V: well fam I gotta go-
Y: if you pay you can stAAAAAAAAAAy!!! Sorry anywho bye Vylad
V: bye child
Aph: wtf
Y: well bye squad fam
Aph: bye y/n

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