Rules of Survival (Chapter 1)

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The eyes of the silver-lined predator stalked the shadow-casted streets, watching people pass and go, glancing to the casual side-street and buildings that towered over the population with little effort; the overwhelming smell of drugs, alcohol and smoke being a common finding in these areas, vile creatures humans were, to the point that she was actually ashamed to have the confession of once being one of them... Yet to survive the inevitable she knew she would have to cloak herself as one of them and go back to the ropes of humanity, at least there was a pro to that con... She got to end ones life, and boy did the blood lust taste sweet, to hear even the screams of one of them, it would finally be the vengeance she was looking for all that time for that unfortunate day when the attack happened, and of course calm the lurking predatory instinct to kill.

Speaking of Sweet Blood-Lust, here comes another wave, the seventh one this week, it was Sunday night, one each day so far, has been like that since she was very young and only just starting out as a shifter to learn what to do and what to avoid, how to run and how to hide well, even cover up the tracks you leave, but the alpha she had known, the impression had admittedly made her grow up in the image of a partial psychopath, always being told to disguise and kill as many times as you can to avoid being caught, and so she did develop a habit eventually after so many years of living with that impression to always be looking for a new skin to crawl in, and even though that shifter wasn't the kindest when it came to meeting her in the first place, she felt half-thankful for the advice, and being a somewhat gender-less being now since she hardly held all the features of an average person anymore as she grew older and older, it took away some of those uncomfortable feelings of being a targeted person of a female population, so she took to that fact as a benefit of sorts.

Her senses peaked as she watched around her area, her ears twitched ever so subtly to all the voices around her, she had her hands shoved into such a tight ball in her stiff denim jacket pockets to keep herself from scratching with eagerness that it made her knuckles pale in colour, even white to an extent. Holding back the feeling of wanting to feel the blood on her hands and get into a disguise quickly, she kept them there as a preventer of sorts to avoid her subconsciously lashing out at any given moment.

Her lips started to tremble as many mortal bloods of petty humans walked past her, so close she even considered that she could easily take one down in this instance, drag one down a manhole into the sewers, no one would be able to get her... But no she couldn't, not in broad daylight at least, that would be a stupid move and she knew much better. Her head loosely hung as her grey and cotton-woven hood sat low on her head, covering her forehead, mid-eye even. She scanned the area before glancing around quickly, constricting her irises as they flashed a light shade of silver for a second, seeing a lone human walk down an alleyway, she felt the corners of her mouth lift slightly, baring a smirk, her brown eyes glinted silver once more out of loss of control while she pursued her new prey. The scent of the drunken male emitting a foul yet strong stench, it filled her nostrils, she scrunched up her nose with a fierce frown replacing the smirk from before as she finally brought out her hands from her pockets.

She was approaching upon the person before they turned around too early, yet it was just enough time for her to pick up her actions' pace and quickly lunge, grasping the man's throat within her eager fingers and tossing him to the ground with ease and since he was drunk, his legs gave out pretty quickly so it was an easy target luckily. She proceeded to drag her kicking prey by the collar of his red shirt behind an industrial bin that conveniently lied in the same alley so it was quick access. Upon seeing as it was over filled with garbage and seeing dripping trash juices even running down the side she had concluded it was a perfect way to hide a dead body's smell that it would emit when the flesh started rotting. With no time to delay she lifted her body up, arched a knee and cracked him in the chest with the bottom-half of her shoe which kept him down.

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