Familiar Auras (Chapter 3)

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The deceitful purity beamed in her lying gazers as she pressed her sight towards the taller figure, dare she ask? "Who are you?" She questioned, earning a gruff response in return as he lead her away from the man hole cover, "Sam, the other guy was Dean... My brother." Quiniel battled the choking emotions down and huffed out "Thank you... For saving me." She lied through gritted teeth, Sam faced her and moved his long hair out of his face before gripping her arm slightly "So, what exactly happened? With that man?" Quiniel's eyes widened, she had to make something up on the spot, being in such close proximity with a hunter, hell even being within the grasp without them knowing what she was, she found it difficult to think "Oh, I was in bed.. And-and he came in, dragged me out kicking and screaming and then... I was down there in the sewers tied to the pole." She swallowed a knot in her throat as her pupils expanded ever so subtly, again with the lying. Sam seemed to buy it, "Well, uh-" Quiniel blurted out a name "Kate!" She coughed awkwardly, Sam tilted his head slightly but then noticed Dean behind her and simply nodded to him "Well, Kate. Please be careful in the future, knowing what's out there now and if you ever need any more help, call us." Quiniel was then handed a card with contact details on it before nodding quickly and turning, fast-walking away whilst rubbing her arm awkwardly, unaware Sam and Dean's exchanging shrugs before looking back to the man-hole cover and walking away.

Once she was far enough away, she breathed out for an extended amount of time in the form of a long exaggerated sigh and looked back to the leaving car sporting sliver living and a black coat colour, knowing she had just escaped the impossible... That was with one casualty, and a horrific one at that. She pushed the memory to the back of her mind and felt her lips tremble, she knew that they would search the house due to the shapeshifter occurrence and find the body, she knew she would have to leave town, but where was a question she didn't have the answer to, and knowing she had lost the keys to the bike, that was useless "Damn." She grumbled, deciding to return back to the house she killed in, wandering over the road and back to 'her house'.

She gripped the door handle with her hand, opening it since she bolted and didn't lock it when she left in such a hurry, refusing to look behind her to face the door, she simply pressed her back to it and shut it behind her, avoiding memories by sight. She heard the door click into place before she wandered and let her eyes gaze among the rooms, gripping a tea-towel on the way past the kitchen and gripping the handrails to support while ascending the stairs, scowering the room and setting her sights on a clutch of sparkles on the bed's nightstand, holding a hand over her nose and mouth due to eye-watering scent of decay, snatching the keys with the tea towel-wrapped hand, she gripped it tightly and looked at the logo before quickly exiting the room "Alrighty, BMW... Not too bad." She commented behind her hand, shoving the bedroom door shut with a foot and taking her leave out of the house once she descended back down the stairs.

She shoved the small tea-towel into her dress side-pocket, entering the garage that was linked with the house, her eyes being met with a blue-chrome car "I'm guessing you're the BMW." She murmured, smiling slightly and pressing an unlock button on the key set, hearing a series of clicking in delayed sync "Oh-." She stopped and gripped the handle, getting in and setting herself comfortably before shutting the door, figuring out stuff before pressing a button to rise the garage door and drive out, lowering the door behind her "Time to go." She confirmed with herself before driving off in no particular direction to head to a destination, just follow the road to whatever comes up next, this was going to be a while.

It was a while with very few and scattered stops to rest for a while before she had spotted another quaint town, noticing by a few signs that this town went by the name of Collinsville, a new sight for sore eyes. It was barren again like the other, a couple more buildings but it seemed small in size still which made it cozy to Quiniel, her eyes searched for a place to park the car before ditching the car in a nearby car-park, clutching the keys still just in case she needed to immediately evacuate which she knew was inevitable eventually, the hunters would catch up, she was sure of it and she wasn't going to hang around when they do.

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