Snow White is born

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Once Upon a Time... okay.. I know, it's cliché but this is a fairy tale, and the once upon a time thing is required. It's a rule, a law,  something.


Once Upon a Time, a very long time ago in a land far away, there was a kingdom located between a range of mountains clothed in deep forest and the shore of a deep sea. The kingdom thrived and the people prospered greatly. The king was a fair and just king, while his wife, the queen, was a gentle and kind woman who cared deeply for the residents of the kingdom.

The king doted on his queen and loved her dearly and she loved him in return. So, as things tend to happen behind the closed doors of the queen's bed chamber in the lateness of the evening, it was announced one day in March, that her majesty, the queen was with child and was expected to deliver to the king, probably some time in December a child, hopefully an heir to the Kingdom.

As you can imagine, there were some crude jokes told in the bars across the kingdom, but in general the population rejoiced and felt relieved that finally the king might have an heir to succeed him to the throne, the smooth transition of power being important to their ability to continue to thrive and lead the prosperous life styles to which they had become accustomed.

We realize that the entire male heir thing smacks of chauvinism. However we will leave that debate to those with time, no life, and no story to tell.

Sometime in November, or maybe early December, no one knows for sure, the queen was sitting on her balcony sewing up the holes in the Kings socks. I know, it's demeaning but that is how things were back then. As we were saying, she was sitting on the balcony with a basket of old socks and  watching the snow fall as she worked.

The queen had been having hot flashes more and more often as her pregnancy progressed. I tell you this so you won't think she is insane sitting outside in the cold in the middle of winter sewing socks.

Where were we? Oh.. yes, the queen stuck her finger with her sewing needle, and drops of blood dripped from her finger onto the fresh snow that surrounded her. The beauty of the deep red blood against the pure whiteness of the snow over came her and she wished out loud "I hope I have a daughter with skin as white as the snow, lips as red as blood and hair as dark as the night with eyes as brown as the amber stone in my necklace ".

Unfortunately there happened to be a fairy sheltering from the snow, beneath a rose bush near by.  The fairy heard the queens wish and because the queen was so good and so kind, she felt as if she should do something to reward her.  "As the queen wishes", said the fairy, "So shall it be".

As things happen, late in December, the queen delivered a girl child with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, hair as dark as night and eyes that were exactly the same shade of amber as the stone in the queens favorite necklace.

The king was with his wife, the queen, when she was handed the beautiful girl baby to hold lovingly in her arms. The queen looked at her husband the king and told him "We shall name her Snow White." and then closing her eyes, she died. You see the night she stuck her finger with the needle she contracted a rare wasting blood disease. Fortunately for the story, she lasted just long enough to give us Snow White. If she hadn't the tale would end here and probably would be named something else.

This ends the first chapter of the Truth about Snow White. If you like it so far, please follow, vote and encourage us with comments. Feed back is appreciated. Even if you just want to complain about our spelling or grammar, feel free.

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