•Earned Respect•

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Since I was born a female
Respect had to be earned, I had to prove my point to the others and I had to be precise about my choices

I had to be ruthless and show no mercy to them, I had to show them who's boss and how I roll

To them at first I was just a little girl who would have probably given up and become a brat
But they soon realized that I was boss and I could put a bullet between anyone's head in 2.4 seconds

As I walked to the abandoned building my father owned which was the gangs hangout and control center,
I felt strong and comfortable knowing that with my training I could break anyone.

I walked in and Jack comes up to me and says

"Hey lil mama"
"Watch it Jack" I said, " I can snap your neck faster than you can smack my ass"

"Oh feisty I like it" he said biting his lip
Jack was tanned with black eyes and chestnut colored hair

"You're right I am feisty"
Not a second after I said that I twisted his arm and threw him against the wall.
He groaned in pain
"Next time I won't go easy" I said and walked away leaving him and two others laughing

I asked Jennifer if she had seen my dad
Jennifer is my friend she's in the gang like me she has curly hair medium red toned with grey eyes.

She usually seduces gang members for answers and she's damn good at it

"No Sky haven't seen him"
"Alright don't worry about"

Lexa looks at me with a death stare.
Lexa was a blond with straight hair and blue eyes she had always been jealous of me, because I've earned respect while she sells herself as a slut

"What's wrong daddy's little princess can't handle her work" she says with a mean snappy tone

"No daddy's little princess is debating whether to shoot your head or not" I answered leaving her speechless and embarrassed.

As you can tell I don't take shit from no one
Whoever messes with me gets get warned
They ignore the warn and keep going they get their ass kicked

That's how the rest learned to respect me, sometimes
some get smart with me and they need to be put on the spot,
But that's my dads job when I'm not around

I walk around to the bar and I take my usually 3 shots of tequila. I may be 19 years old but
Here in this gang no one give a shit about age restrictions.

Ashton walks up to me and says
"Hard day"
I feel the tequila burn and after the affect is over
I respond
"No just shitty people trying to be smart with me"
He chuckles and orders a beer we both drink there and talk to each other.
With Ashton I feel like I can talk to him easily about training, life, and feel comfortable.

He's one of those people that their vibe is so real so alive that you can talk to him about anything

Ashton and I drown into each other's problems, even though I can talk to Danielle about anything
I relate more to Ashton because he deals with what I deal with, he had his first kill also at 16

That stunned him for life, like it did to me
With those type of things

After we talked I head home

As I walked through the door I see my mother looking at a picture of me when I was 5 years old

"Hey Mama"
"Hi honey"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh honey I just remember when you where small, you had such big dreams. You wanted to make a difference in the world"
"Mama" I say in a low, depressive voice.
"Your father dragged you into this" she said as a tear fell from her eye
That single tear showed her strength, her love, and her passion.
"Mama I love you even if I'm involved in all of this, it was going to happen either way"

"Honey I know I just can't believe how fast time flies"

I ran to her and hugged her

She hugged me running her fingers through my hair

"Go shower sweetie I'll call you when dinners ready"
I nodded and ran up the stairs

I decided to take a soak in the bath tub just to relax and think

I thought about my mother and how she wanted more for me, how she wanted me to follow my dreams.

Before I knew it, I felt a tear drop and I wet my face immediately, I promised myself only to show my feelings when I'm alone

No one could see my emotions because they would consider me weak.

I got out of the shower looked at my self in the mirror
My dirty dark blondish hair up in bun
My blue piercing eyes filled with coldness and emptiness and sorrows

I saw my scar under my jaw which I got while trying to catch a gang member
I realized that maybe I did want something different but at this point it was too late

Well guys there you go second one out
I know it's short but the next one will be longer and more interesting, maybe a certain someone comes into the picture :)
Tune in my loves. Kisses

-Daniela Ojeda

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