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hello lovelies.

enjoy. .xx

Ps. Fav song.

I remember how you smiled through the smoke,
In a crowded little coffee house & laughed at all my jokes.
And I remember the way that you dressed
How we wasted all the best of us in alcohol and sweat.
I remember when I knew that you'd be leaving
How I barely kept on breathing
And I bet if I had to do it all again if feel the same pain.
I remember panicked circles in the terminal in tears
How I wept to god in fits
I've hated airports ever since.

-La dispute, Andria.


Her eyes were black.

That's all I can remember, really. Just black. It had been one hell of a ride from wherever we were to the house that she was, and when we got there, Michael was lying on the floor, Ri in the corner, and there was blood on the floor. I can remember Ashton going to her before Michael. I can remember Luke glancing at Riley, then tending to his best friend who was almost dead on the floor. There was something left in her that still made her sane. Something that was still... human. At least a part of her that we had. Her transformation wasn't supposed to be for days, yet here we were, all tensed and worried.

I can remember Riley whispering in the corner, she had tears streaming down her face like some sort of never ending cycle. Her hands were stained. It was a mix of her blood, and Mikey's. It was more than just a little accident. She was already turning into the demon she was meant to be. She was transforming into something that wasn't godly, and that was a problem.

All I hear is silence. The sound of my own heart beat in my ears. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. I couldn't even blink. Then suddenly all my bodily functions came back.

"Calum!" Luke screamed at me. "Get your ass with us! bandages, towels, and water. Upstairs bathroom. Go! Go! Go!"

I ran up the steps, taking three at a time. When I had returned, I laid down the things I was carrying next to Michael.

"Ash," I said, my voice quiet but demanding. "Take her upstairs. Safe room. Lock her there until we can clean this up."

"I'm not fucking locking her in the safe room!" he shouted.

"You will do as he says, Ashton. Go. Now." Luke demanding, grabbing a towel and dabbing at the knife wound in Michael's stomach.

He obliged, not wanting to get like angry. Luke was in concentration mode. He wasn't going to let him die. That's not what angels do. We save each other. Whether it be from the brink of death, or from the wrath of the arch angels themselves. We save each other. And Luke was a big believer in the saving of others. Especially when it came to someone in our clan. From Cahira to Michael. All 10 of us looked up to Luke.

He cleaned the wound, stitched him, and we carried him to the couch. I dipped one of the clean towels in the water and scrubbed at the blood on the floor. Some of it was a darker red, indicating Riley had already had her wings crown at her back. This was moving too fast for a Child. There was something wrong. Something terribly wrong. I needed to find out what.

"Luke, Riley's transition is moving too fast to be normal. There's something wrong. I need to visit the arch angels. Find out what's going on. I need to know if there's anything we can do to help her."

"Go. I'll stay here."

"Don't kill him, okay? She hasn't left him yet. Making him dead isn't going to help your case." I scolded him, his thoughts giving me worry.

You see, some angels are gifted with powers. Mine being clairvoyance. I can hear people's thoughts. It's deafening at times. I can turn it off. But I need it on sometimes. Like now. Fair warning to Luke for not murdering our best friend.

"Get the fuck out of my head, you deluded fuck." He spat at me.

"Maybe you should try and block me out?" I decided to tease him. "You know, murder me or something?"

It was silent for a moment.

"When he wakes, call me down. I'll be with the angels. We need to know what happened to Michael. Riley definitely won't tell us."

"Yes." He said. "I'll call you. get to the bottom of this, Cal." I nodded at him, and then moved realms.


Okay look I know I've been a shitty updater & a shitty person but it's like late at night & I'm really tired. I've updated from my phone. My parents didn't let me take my laptop to D.C. so that's why I didn't update. I then proceeded to spill coke on my laptop & I'm having it fixed. I'm too tired to proof read ill do it later.

Short chapter I know.

Having boy troubles & home troubles. I apologize for my shitty person-ness.

Stay classy, guys.


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