Chapter Six

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"Now go over it again, what happened out there?" Miss Genish said, as we all sat in the meeting room. I sat with my ankle elevated since I sprained it during our mission.

I took a deep breath, "We came across the survivor, but he'd been bitten, he stole Cara's gun and shot himself. Due to the sound, the infected came racing. We were backed into a courner, with only one route of escape, so then Mei decided to sacrificed herself.''

"Are you sure? Are you certain my sister is dead?" Luna asked.

"Yes. She pooled out blood, before the infected got to her."

"Dana? Any comments?"

Dana looked down and stayed silent.

"For her sake, I hope that she went fast.'' Miss Genish said with a grim look on her face.

"This is exactly what I said would happen, you should have never gone out there!" Zoey lashed out.

Cara pushed a chair across the room and pointed at Zoey, "Don't you dare make this about you!''

"I'm just saying that if you would've listen to me, Mei would still be here.''

"Of course you have to add your two cents in. Always have to be the wisest, the one with the loudest voice. The one who is the smartest, and the one who thinks that if everything went her way then the sky would be rainbows and butterflies! Well guess what? It's not! So don't make this about how you're the perfect one and is always right!"

Zoey shot a strong and deadly gaze at Cara.

"I'm not trying to make this about me.''


"Guys!" I shouted, "Get the fuck over your differences for just a second! We've lost one of our own, it is not the time for arguments. It is the custom is to give them a honourable send off. So maybe we should focus on remembering Mei, not arguing about how her death could've been prevented. It is too late for that. It's done. Mei is gone and there's nothing we can do to change that. ''

Everyone stared blankly at me.

"Well said Jess," Miss Genish interrupted the silence.

"Jess is right. We should prepare a proper send off for my sister.'' Luna smiled at me.

I stood up and made my way over to Luna. As I walked past Zoey, I hear her mutter, "I'm still not finished.''

I turned and slapped her.

She clutched her face, "What was that for?!"

"That was for being a self-centred little bitch.''

Zoey turned and gave a grumpy look at Dana and Miss Genish.

"Don't look at me," Miss Genish held her hands up.

Dana stared at the ground, saying nothing but we all knew what she was thinking, 'Yeah you kind of deserved it.'

Zoey let out a frustrated sigh and stormed out.

"Dawn tomorrow, we will farewell our dear Mei, until then get some rest.'' Miss Genish dismissed us.


I climbed the wall to get some fresh air.

It took me a while though as my ankle was killing me.

"You should really rest that.'' It was Zoey.

"If you're looking for an apology, walk away.''

She simply stood there looking out at the open landscape.

"What was it like?" She asked.

"What was what like?"

"The outside.''

"Empty, like a void that can never be filled with life again. A whisper of what it once was. Now just abandoned, left to rot in the memories that it leaves behind.''

"Woah, I wonder what the world would look like if the Morbus Disease never happened.''

"A hell of a lot better than this.''

"Yeah, I guess.''

I turned to face her, "Hey what's with all this nostalgic talk?"

"I just want to remember a time when I could be careless, but the harder I try to remember the more the memory slips.''

"I think we all try to remember those times.''


"Jared!'' I laughed, "Give me it back!''

I was wrestling with my brother and he'd stolen my phone.

"I just want to Snapchat Ryan, your lover boy.'' He teased.

"Are you going to threaten him again?"

He avoided my deathly gaze, "It's the big brother thing to do.''

"But he's my boyfriend and I don't appreciate your threats of murdering him.''

"I only said I'll murder him if he hurts you.''

"That's still unacceptable.''

He rolled his eyes, "Can I tell him no sex until your thirty?"

I laughed and snatched back my phone, "No, you're seriously so embarrassing to be related to.''

He laughed as he stretched out, his fair hair falling over his eyes, "What are siblings for?"

"To always be there for one another.''

He winked at me, "You know it sis.''


As the sun rose at dawn the next day the mood was at an all-time low.

Everyone, including the younger ones were crying.

Flowers were spread around her jacket and bracelet which sat in the middle of the courtyard, and Miss Genish stood in front of the crowd.

"Mei was not only one of us, she was one of our bravest, strongest and kindest. Her death will not be in vain, every day we will honour her. Mei left behind two beautiful sisters and every day we will help them through this tough time. May god bless her soul.''

Luna stood to speak. "Mei was my sister, and she will always be my little sister." Luna began to choke. "Mei always had a way with words that I never did, so all I can say is that. Mei, you will be missed. Your warm smile, your soft voice and loving words will never be forgotten."

Cara was the next to speak.

"Mei was not just a friend, to me she was hope and one of the few reasons I had hope that tomorrow would be better. Mei was one in a million. A sweet girl, whose memory... will always be with us, in our hearts.'' Tears began to stream down her face. "I could and have always counted on Mei's smile to give me warmth to my day. Mei Buckstone, sister, friend, I will miss and cherish your memory from now until my last dying breath on this cruel earth. Rest in peace Mei.''

It was now my turn.

"Mei was like the sister I never had. She was like a rose in a desert. A rare and beautiful soul.'' Tears fell like rivers along my cheeks. "She was not only friends with everyone but loved by everyone. She was that person no one could hate. Her gorgeous smile will haunt my dreams and will be with me everywhere I go. May god bless your soul.''

A minute silence was then held. The silence was filled with the soft sobs of those closest to her.

Every day Mei would be my reason to go on.

Mei would be my strength.

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