We Can't Be Torn Apart (3)

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School has been super awkward for me lately. All of the people seem to have turned their 'nice switch' back on for me. Sure, most girls still shoot me a dirty look now and then, but its better than before. I guess that being mates with the alpha really does bring that out.

Sure, I've always been Scott's mate, but now he's accepted me like it. Now he is the leader of the pack. Now I’m the leader of the pack… That’s going to be-


I jumped and banged my head against the car’s roof. I held a hand up to my crying eardrums and shot a glare at Ela.

“What was that for?!” I shouted right back.

“Well, you zoned out and I kind of wanted you out of my car so that I could lock it in peace!”

I looked around and realized that we were already at school and Ela was leaning against the door, waiting for me to get out.

“Well, calm your tits woman! I’m going!”

I snapped my seat belt off and open the door. Fresh End-Of-December air hit me, making the hairs on my arm stand up. Oh, I wish summer would just some already. I miss wearing shorts…

I opened the door to the back seat and grabbed Tronny Jr. before following Ela into the school. As I walked into English, I realized that Scott wasn’t here yet. Well, there goes my reason to be here today.

I smiled at Ela and took my seat next to her, right in the middle of the classroom. It’s awesome starting your day with learning about sentence structure. Note my sarcasm. I only like it because of Scott, SO WHERE IS HE?

I shouldn't be complaining, I have Ela, but she isn’t my mate! It would be so awkward if she was…

After a couple of seconds, the bell rung. I couldn’t fight the smile that was starting to creep onto my face as a said mate walked in. He flashed me a dazzling smile and sat right next to me, my eyes locked on the crystal-blue orbs that he called eyes.

The fact that he could have sat next to the jocks or bimbos, but he chose to sit next to me had my smile growing even bigger. Out of  the corner of my eye, I could see the popular girls that sat in the back were glaring at me. For some reason, that made me feel like I accomplished something.

I finally managed to drag my eyes away from  his beautiful face, only to see that Mrs.Johnson was writing notes on the board. I flipped through my notebooks until I found a blank sheet of paper and ripped it out. I noticed that Scott had zoned off and didn’t have any paper out, so I ripped an extra piece for him and laid it on his desk. In return I was rewarded with one of his award-winning smiles.

After I finished writing down all of the terms and definitions, I noticed a small post-it laying on my desk. I glanced at Scott, but he was busy writing stuff down. I reached over and opened the small note. I flipped it open and smiled a bit as I read it:

Are you busy tomorrow night? ~S

I was pretty sure why he wanted to know that, but my brain wasn’t really focusing on the message. I was mesmerized by his flawless handwriting. It was a billion times better than mine.

Finally, once I got over that small detail, I realized what the note said. I quickly scribbled down a ‘No, why? ~A’. Sure, I knew the reason but I still wanted him to say why. I didn’t even care if I actually had any plans tomorrow, because if I did, I would cancel them all. Just for Scott.

I glance at my messy handwriting right under his before placing it back on his desk. After a couple of seconds, he reached over and grabbed it. He made sure that the teacher wasn’t looking before he opened it, something that I should have done. Oh well, too late for that now. He smiled at me before writing on the little paper. After two seconds he placed it back on my desk. I looked at the teacher before opening it:

‘Because that’s going to be our real first date.’

An odd smile appeared on my face. Sure, Scott and i had been 'dating' for a while, but we actually haven't gone anywhere. Butterflies started to manifest in my stomach at the thought of being alone with my mate. At the same time, billions of questions filled my mind. What will I wear? What are we going to eat? Where are we going? What is-

I cut myself off mid-thought. I realized that none of those things mattered as long as I was with Scottie. My sweet, amazing Scottie....


I am turning into a bimbo...

I jumped a bit as the school bell rung. I actually spent 40 minutes just thinking about our future date. Wow, how lame is that?


I sat on my bed, hipper ventilating. 

Yeah, I'm awesome like that! Oh, who am I kidding? I'm a nervous wreck! Monday and Tuesday had gone by so fast, and now it's Wednesday! Scott's going to be here is less than twenty minutes and I'm just freaking out! The only thing that i've done so far is straighting my hair! I glanced back down at my phone to read the text again.

Pick you up at seven. Wear something casual, can't wait to see you! ~S

Casual? CASUAL?!?

What the heck is that suppose to mean?!?! Skirt? Dress? Jeans? Tank-top? Plain T-shirt? GAH!

The word 'Casual' means nothing to me!

I jumped off my bed and dug  trough my drawers until I found a dictionary. I flipped it open to 'Casual'.

Casual- Relaxed and unconcerned. DOESN'T HELP!

Casual- Occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals; occasional. NO!

Casual- Suited for everyday wear or use; informal. Hmm, maybe.

Informal.... I don't have time to look that up! He's going to be here in less than fifteen minutes! What to wear, oh what to wear?

Everyday wear... Jeans? Yes. T-shirt? Well, not exactly date material..

I tackled the clothes that were neatly hung up in my closet. No tanks and to T-shirts. Grrr! I flipped through all of the colors. Blue? Nah. Green? Pink? Red? Orange? Odd design? NO!! I searched my closet until I came to a nice purple shirt. It seemed to be just a bit fitted and comfortable. That, and it would go great with a sweater. A December night in Minnesota means one thing- COLD. A sweater, however, is enough for me and my super-werewolf heat.

I ripped the shirt off the hanger and slipped it on with a pair of dark skinny jeans. I glance into the mirror, The shirt seemed to fit perfectly and the jeans were comfortable. Perfect. I sat down am quickly did my makeup. Eye-liner, check. lipstick, check. Mascara-

I heard the doorbell ring and my dad answer it. Oh no! I swiped the mascara on, grabbed my purse and sweater and ran down the stairs. My dad had his back to me, talking to Scott. I couldn't hear was he was saying, but by the fear in Scott's eyes, I could tell that it wasn't something good. How can my dad make my pack leader be so afraid is beyond my imagination.

I walked over and tapped my dad on the should, trying to get him away from Scott. 

"Bye dad! I'll text you later!" I told him as I dragged Scott out the door. 

He led me over to his car and opened he door for me. He's such a gentleman! He got in and turned the car on. 

"Ready?" He asked me as I clicked my seat belt on.

"Yup!" I answered him.

I took a deep breath and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans as the car pulled out of my driveway. 

I can't believe that I'm going on my first date with my mate, Scott.

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